3M PPE 6-pp flyer March Bodyshop 2023 Separate (4)

Reusable Respiratory Secure Click™ Half Mask Reusable Respirator, Speaking Diaphragm HF-800 Series

3M’s latest half mask features a unique secure click filter connection, a one-touch user seal check button, a speaking diaphragm to help make speech clearer and low breathing resistance filters.

MMM.D3135 Considerations:

MMM.D3138 Considerations:

MMM.D8095-S Considerations:


3M™ Secure Click™ Half Mask Reusable, Speech Diaphragm L HF-803SD


3M™ Secure Click™ Half Mask Reusable, Speech Diaphragm M HF-802SD


3M™ Secure Click™ Particulate Filter, P3 R, D3135 (pair)


3M™ Secure Click™ Particulate Filter with Nuisance Odour, P3 R, D3138 (pair)


3M™ Secure Click™ Gas, Vapour and Particulate Filter, A2P3 R, D8095 (pair)

Maintenance Free Reusable Respirators 0694X+ Series

Versatile, maintenance-free protection. Over 30% reduction in exhalation breathing resistance at higher work rates versus previous models – making it cooler & more comfortable to wear.

MMM.06941+ Considerations:

MMM.06942+ Considerations:


3M™Mainenance FreeHalfMaskReusableRespirator, FFA1P2RDFilters, 06941+


3M™Maintenance FreeHalfMaskReusableRespirator, FFA2P3RDFilters, 06942+

Scan QR code to download the 3M™ Secure Click™ Half Mask Reusable Respirator HF-800 Series Importance of fit poster.

Standard customer 3M terms apply. Promotional period 1st July - 31st July 2023.

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