AirCon Catalogue 2017
UV Kit Lights
Wire Bright Torch (12V/100W) UV Leak Detector Light with Glasses 254 77 0290 ■■ Power Supply: 12V ■■ U/V Light Frequency: 410-405nm ■■ Goggles 100% anti-U/V Protection ■■ Supplied with a Plastic carry case
Bright Magnifier Torch 6 UV Leak Detector Light with Glasses 254 77 0300 ■■ Power Supply: 2 Batteries “AA” of 1.5V ■■ LED Wavelength: 385-380nm ■■ Goggles 100% anti-U/V Protection ■■ Supplied with a Plastic carry case
System Repair Machines Additional Tooling Consumables A/C Parts
UV Rechargeable/Portable Light (12V/100 W) with UV Glasses 254 77 0250
High Bright Torch 1 UV Led Light with Glasses 254 77 0260
■■ High intensity ■■ Compact and portable
■■ Cordless with rechargeable battery ■■ Includes UV enhancing safety glasses
■■ Power Supply: 3 Batteries “C” of 1.5V (not included) ■■ U/V Light Frequency:410-405nm ■■ Safety Goggles included
Mini Bright Torch 9 UV Led Light with Glasses 254 77 0270
■■ Power Supply: 3 Batteries “AAA” of 1.5V (not included) ■■ U/V Light Frequency: 410-405nm ■■ Safety Goggles included
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