AirCon Catalogue 2017
AC System Tools / HVAC
Extreme 261 77 0300
Cool-Shot 261 77 0310
WHAT IS IT? Extreme is specifically designed for the safe repair of small refrigerant gas leaks that frequently occur with metal and rubber vehicle A/C system components. HOW DOES IT WORK? The critical ingredients of Extreme are triggered into action only when there is a leak, mechanically building a flexible permanent seal.
WHAT IS IT? A powerful, yet safe, synthetic catalyst that makes any A/C or Refrigeration system work more efficiently. HOW DOES IT WORK? Cool-Shot’s active ingredients two synthetic catalysts combined with superior lubricating agents catalyse the system lubricants to improve their lubricity and reduce their thermal effect on the internal walls of the evaporator and condenser. BEFORE: Oil coats the interior walls of an A/C or Refrigeration system creating a plaque effect, impeding heat transfer in both the Condenser and Evaporator.
System Repair Machines Additional Tooling Consumables A/C Parts
“Oil Fouling”
AFTER: COOL SHOT eliminates “Oil Fouling”, allowing the refrigerant direct contact with heat transfer surfaces without the normal insulating barrier created by oil. Cool-Shot acts as a lubricant catalyst without chemically changing the refrigerant.
Lubricant Oil Refrigerant Gas Extreme
Flush Kit Robinair AC500/600 Series RMS & 34701-2K/342001 01/01> 262 77 0090
A/C Fitting Crimper with Hydra Krimp Hand Pump 265 77 0720
Refrigerant management station adapter kit enables your Robinair RMS unit to be converted to accept liquid refrigerant flushing.
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