
UV Dyes

UV Dye Cartridge R134a Only PAG (12 to 14 Vehicles)

Big EZ UV Dye Cartridge 8oz

Big EZ UV Dye Cartridge 4oz

242 77 0350

242 77 0340

242 77 0290

Flouro-Lite Bottles Dyes for all Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems

To be used with 248 77 0910, 254 77 0350

To be used with 248 77 0910, 254 77 0350

Glogun UV Dye Cartridge 24 Shot

UV Dye Cartridge R134a PAG Only (1 Vehicle Only) 1 box of 6 shots

UV Dye Cartridge Universal R134a (12 to 14 vehicles)

242 77 0060

242 77 0280

242 77 0300

Flourl Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems

Flouro-Lite Bottles Dyes for all Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems

Glo Away Dye Cleaner 16oz

Glo Away Dye Cleaner 8oz

U View UV Dye Cleaner 32oz/960ml

242 77 0070

242 77 0320

242 77 0310

Supplied with spray nozzle

Adaptor Intake Fitting 3 ⁄ 8 ” FFL – 1 ⁄ 4

Adaptor Injection Hose for Spotgun Jr Cartridges 254 77 0100

UV Dye Hose Ass’y for EZ Ject Injector R134A With Coupler

” MFL (13064)

248 77 0910

248 77 0320

254 77 0350

To be used with 242 77 0340, 242 77 0350, 254 77 0350

To be used with Spotgun Jr injection gun 254 77 0110

To be used with 242770340, 242770350, 254770351


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