Emission Control Systems

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Emission Control Systems

Safety Statement

Information and Administration: The course will start each day at 9.00am and finish at 5:00pm each day. Lunch and refreshments will be provided at the times advised by the training instructor. Workshop Safety • It will be expected that all necessary workshop health and safety procedures are followed e.g. the wearing of suitable work wear, safety footwear, eye and ear protection when in the practical workshops is mandatory. We recommend that barrier cream and workshop gloves are used at all times. • Ensure that you are fully aware of the emergency stop procedure for any of the rotating equipment used during the course. While working on rotary test equipment or engines, please ensure that all loose clothing is secure and can not get caught in the equipment or engine parts.


Fire Escape Smoking Areas Toilets Mobile Phone, please switch off or on silent

Group introductions…..







Emission Control


Emission Control

- EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) - Oxidisation Catalyst - DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) - FAP (Eloys + Cerine) - SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

- EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) - 3-Way Catalytic Converter - Lambda Sensors - PPF (Petrol Particulate Filter)

Emissions Control

What is emissions control? In terms of automotive technology, emissions control refers to the management of engine systems to utilise fuel as efficiently as possible whilst keeping harmful emissions as low as possible. In conjunction with management, emissions aftertreatment plays a significant role in this process .

Emissions Control

Emissions control systems include:

Engine management

High Pressure Fuel Systems

EVAP Emissions Control

Exhaust Gas Recirculation

Catalytic Converters

Diesel Particulate Filters

NOx Storage Catalysts

Selective Catalytic Reduction

Petrol Systems

Fuel Emissions

Key differences in Petrol and Diesel emissions:

Emissions Control Regardless of the engine fuel type, it can be argued that Engine Management technology has had the greatest impact on Emissions Control in vehicle technology. Precise management of all engine running aspects. Accurate measurements of:






Emissions Control These measurements are relayed to a management control unit so it can determine if, how and when engine actuators operate. Actuators such as:

Fuel injectors

Ignition system

Intake air

Variable valve timing

Fuel pressure


EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) EGR function is to reduce combustion temperature to reduce oxides of nitrogen – Nox. Created when combustion takes place with an excess of air and at very high temperatures. Oxygen combines with nitrogen and converts into nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) . Combustion temperature of 1370°C is required before NOx is formed.

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) EGR in Petrol vehicles is a key element in reducing NOx formation from excessive combustion temperatures. Petrol engine EGR has just as much functionality as it’s diesel counterpart but more so in recent years with the introduction of such fuel systems as: GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) and Lean Burn enabled vehicles. With the event of Lean Burn type petrol engines such as FSI, TSI, TTC-L, MVV etc, we must remember the after-

effect of introducing a lean air/fuel mixture. If we are running lean, we are running hot. This in turn, has a dramatic effect on combustion temperatures.

How Does a Catalyst Work?

Catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. A catalytic converter works off a very simple principal that we can induce a chemical change in a substance by introducing elements that either oxidise or de-oxidise harmful emissions to change their state. Imagine the basic principals of metals oxidising . Steel, Iron, Aluminium, Copper, Zinc etc..

What happens when they oxidise? This principal is used in an automotive catalytic converter to either split oxygen/elements or combine oxygen/elements in a particular emission to make it less harmful.

How Does a Catalyst Work?

Tech Talk!

Let’s take a look at how this is achieved :

Reduction Bed (Rh)

Combination Bed (Pt + Pl)

How Does a Catalyst Work? In automotive terms, there are different Catalysts for different functions. -Diesel vehicles use a 2-Way Oxidation Catalyst to Oxidise Carbon Monoxide. -Petrol vehicles use a 3-Way Catalyst for the additional function of converting Nitric oxide and Nox -Nox absorbent catalysts convert Oxides of Nitrogen into N2 and Co2 -Particulate Filters convert soot Particulate matter into Co2 -Selective Catalytic Reduction Catalysts use AdBlue to convert NOx into ???

Operation of the Catalytic Converter

This illustration shows a typical graph of catalytic performance over the normal range of operating temperature, 100–600 ° C. Until the incoming gases have heated the catalyst to around 250–300 ° C, the activity of the catalyst is low. This temperature, at which the efficiency of the catalyst rapidly increases, is known as the light-off temperature . Until this temperature is reached, the catalyst is not working at full efficiency, and so CO, NO x and hydrocarbons will all be emitted from the exhaust pipe in significant amounts. This problem is known as cold start . Ideally the light-off temperature should be as low as possible.

Operation of the Catalytic Converter

The effect of changing air/fuel ratio on the levels of NO x (solid green), CO (black) and HC (dotted green) produced in the engine. The diagram also shows qualitatively how the engine power output changes with the A/F ratio. A general relationship between levels of CO, HC and NO x released from the engine and the A/F ratio is shown in the graph. At A/F ratios somewhat above stoichiometric (14.7:1) – that is, when the engine is operating under fuel-lean , net oxidising conditions – low levels of HC and CO are produced in the engine, and there is a peak in NO x concentration. At higher A/F values, NO x falls, but the hydrocarbon concentration increases as the engine begins to misfire.

Operation of the Catalytic Converter

Key Concepts

1. An air/fuel mixture of 14.7:1 is the best compromise, but it does not provide perfect combustion. 2. A 14.7:1 mixture gives the lowest CO and HC levels, but it also produces very high NOx levels. 3. A 3. 14.7:1 mixture also results in low oxygen levels.


Single cylinder misfires are completely ignored by the traditional 5-gas graph. Partial misfires that are not related to an overall lean condition are also ignored. The following chart can be very useful in helping to identify single cylinder misfires and partial misfires.

This chart serves to remind us what really happens to the exhaust emissions when a single cylinder misfire or partial misfire occurs.

Example 1: one fouled spark plug on a four-cylinder engine. Three “normal” cylinders + one “no spark” cylinder

CO2 = {3(15.0%) + 1(0.0%)} divided by 4 = 11.25% CO2

CO = {3(0.5%) + 1(0.0%)} divided by 4 = 0.375% CO

HC = {3(20 ppm) = 1(6000 ppm)} divided by 4 = 1515 ppm HC

O2 = {3(0.5%) + (1(20%)} divided by 4 = 5.375% O2

Lambda/Oxygen Sensors • A Narrow Band Lambda Sensor is a sensor that measures engine exhaust emissions to ascertain how efficiently the air/fuel mixture is burning. This particular sensor only reads three mixture formations Rich, λ0 or Lean.

• 1-4 Wire Sensor

• Operating temp is +300 ℃

• Signal changes abruptly.

• A rich mixture surges voltage to approx. 0.9 volts .

• A lean mixture drops voltage down to 0.1 volts.

Narrow Band Lambda Sensor

Lambda/Oxygen Sensors

Wideband Lambda Sensor

Lambda/Oxygen Sensors

Wide Band Lambda

NOx Storage Catalyst (NSC) As mentioned previously, Oxides of

Nitrogen (NOx) have become a growing concern in petrol vehicles, particularly Direct Injection petrol (GDI) vehicles equipped with Lean-Burn capabilities. To deal with this issue, these vehicles are fitted with an additional in-line catalyst to absorb, store and convert NOx into Co2. This system completes the conversion process under a rich regeneration process, combining NOx with Carbon Monoxide to form N2 and Co2

Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF / PPF) Gasoline Particulate or Petrol Particulate Filters are the latest advancements in petrol emissions technology and offer similar functionality to it’s diesel counterpart, the DPF,

Whilst this technology has only began to be introduced recently, you will see this technology fitted to the likes of high-end, high- performance vehicles such as Porsche

Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF / PPF)

With the same intended principals as the DPF, The PPF’s function is to convert harmful soot particles into Co2. The same ceramic monolith structure is used to capture particulate matter, hold it and burn it off in a regeneration process which converts it into Carbon Dioxide. Particulate Matter has become a growing concern in petrol vehicles as emissions

standards become even tighter. The main concern lies within the

inconsistency of fuel quality around the globe. Countries with poor fuel quality of low Octane and high Sulphur content.

Workshop Practical: Petrol

Emissions Control Overview

Key Components Overview

Live Emissions Testing

Diagnostic Procedures

Recap + Q&A Session

Diesel Systems

Diesel Emissions

What is the issue with Diesel?

Diesel is a unique fuel that poses broad areas of concern.

As a fuel, it is not as volatile as petrol. It is a slow burning fuel with a slow and prolonged release of energy that is only suitable for Compression Igniton (CI) engines. Its refinement is crude and requires additional lubricant to protect the engines high pressure fuel injection components.

These carachteristics make diesel emissions very different to its petrol counterpart.

Diesel Emissions Areas of Concern:

Due to the carachteristis of diesel fuel, there are key areas of it’s emissions we need to address.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Soot/Particulate Matter (PM)

Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)

Diesel Emissions

Key differences in Diesel emissions:

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) EGR function is to reduce combustion temperature to reduce oxides of nitrogen – Nox. Created when combustion takes place with an excess of air and at very high temperatures. Oxygen combines with nitrogen and converts into nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) . Combustion temperature of 1370°C is required before NOx is formed.

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Precise control of EGR.

The amount of exhaust gas to recirculate must be controlled by the engine control unit, so that there is not an increase in the emissions of hydrocarbons (HC) , carbon monoxide (CO) and soot particulates (PM)

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Issues associated with EGR (Diesel):

Carbon build up/blockages are the biggest threat to the efficiency of the EGR system.

This issue is mainly caused by recirculating hot exhaust gasses back into a cold intake. In this issue the carbon content in the gas solidifies and forms in the EGR valve itself, the intake manifold and the intake ports. Temperature control of the recirculated exhaust gas is key to reducing this issue.

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation)

EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Additional Exhaust Gas Recirculation.

Oxidation Catalyst (2-Way Catalyst) Due to the nature of a diesel engines physical workings, an oxidation catalyst is fitted as a conventional 3-way petrol catalyst does not function the same way. As a diesel engine expels large amounts of oxygen through the exhaust, we have high levels of Carbon Monoxide to convert in the presence of this Oxygen. The Oxygen itself impedes the conversion of NOx into Nitrogen and Oxygen. Hydrocarbons, Carbon Monoxide and Sulphates must be oxidised in order to turn them into Water and Carbon Dioxide.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

The function of the Diesel Particulate filter is quite simple. Capture soot particulate emissions, store them and convert them into CO2 when the right driving conditions are available. In a sense, this is an additional catalyst used to store and convert particulates.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

The DPF system changes it’s characteristics depending on the driving conditions the vehicle is under. Storage, Soot conversion and Filter regeneration. Passive Regeneration: is the situation under normal driving conditions where conversion of soot into CO2 is constant. For excessive accumulation of soot particulates, they are stored until the correct conditions are met. Active Regeneration: As the ECM measures the soot content of the DPF through sensors, it will determine the soot quantity and operating conditions, and take action to regenerate the DPF in order to burn off any excessive soot accumulated. Forced Regeneration: This is a function of our diagnostic equipment where it has been determined that the DPF soot content has exceeded the maximum allowed. Usually signified by a warning light to the driver. Remember, A blocked DPF is not a fault. It is a symptom of another fault causing it to block!

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Construction of the Diesel Particulate Filter The DPF core is constructed from a ceramic substrate coated with Noble Catalyst Materials. Unlike a catalytic converter, the substrate does not have a clear path from front to back, the substrate is made up of tiny passages that link together.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) The NOx and O2 contained in the exhaust gas generate NO2 when they come into contact with the platinum. This reaction converts the soot particulates into CO and CO2.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Above 600 ºC, the carbon in the particulates is subject to oxidation with the oxygen contained in the exhaust gas, converting it into CO2. Cerium oxide is used as a catalyst in this reaction, so that oxidation is quicker and more efficient.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Take a look at how the ECM determines the state of the Diesel Particulate Filter.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Passive Regeneration: • Regeneration is automatic. • Occurs at temperature of 350-500 ℃ • Happens slow and gradual with no intervention from ECU

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Active Regeneration: • Engine ECU intervenes to change parameters of elements in injection system to raise temperature. • Requires EGT of temperature greater than 600 ℃

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Regeneration: When the particulate filter has a saturation level of 50%, it changes parameters of the engine management system so that the exhaust gas reaches a temperature of 600 ºC.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

• The control unit activates several actuators and manages active regeneration functions with the aim of increasing the temperature in the particulate filter.

• It deactivates the exhaust gas recirculation, in order to increase the temperature in the combustion chamber.

• The supply of intake air is controlled by the manifold flap motor.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

• Shortly after a main injection, the first post-injection is made to increase the combustion temperature.

• Another post-injection is made in an exhaust phase. This fuel is not burnt in the cylinder but evaporates in the combustion chamber.

• These fuel vapours burn in the oxidisation catalytic converter. The heat generated by this method increases the temperature of the exhaust gases before the particulate filter to approximately 620°C.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

• To calculate the quantity of fuel to inject during post-injection, the control unit takes the exhaust gas temperature sensor signal before the particulate filter.

• The regeneration program adapts the boost pressure so that the difference in torque delivery is not perceptible to the driver.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Filter regeneration → 50% saturated.

Lasts 10-15 mins approx.

• Driving conditions not met → the control unit tries another phase lasts approximately 30 minutes, filter is 55% saturated.

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

60% saturated

• Necessary to drive for 10 minutes at a speed of 60 km/h and at 1,500 RPM.

Warning light Illuminates ↓

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

70% saturation.

• ECU enters limp/emergency mode.

• Filter regen required by use of diagnostic equipment.

Warning light illuminates ↓

DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

Differential Pressure Sensor

Measures the pressure difference in the exhaust before and after the particulate filter.

FAP System (Filtro de Particulas Activo)

F iltro de P articulas A ctivo (F.A.P) trade name for the particle filter used by P.S.A group.

Uses a cerine based fuel additive with the trade name Eolys.

Temp required to burn soot reduced to 450 ℃ .

FAP System

The additive has the function of reducing the temperature at which the solid soot particulates will burn. The additive molecules form part of the combustion, reacting with the free oxygen and forming metallic oxides that accumulate between the soot particulates in the filter until the regeneration phase.

PM Cerine

FAP System

The additive particles catalyze the soot oxidation by liberating oxygen molecules and reducing the average size of the particulates.

FAP System

To calculate the quantity of additive and the activation time for the pump, the control unit uses the fuel gauge signal as the main signal.

If additive concentration is increased, and the useful life of the particulate filter will be reduced.

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

• S elective C atalytic R eduction(SCR) injects a liquid-reductant agent by means of a reducing agent injector, through a special catalyst into the exhaust stream of a diesel engine. • The reductant source is usually automotive-grade urea.

• Chemical reaction that converts NOx into nitrogen, water and tiny amounts of CO2

• It may be installed upstream or downstream of the particulate filter.

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

• The reducing agent used to replace ammonia is a solution that contains 32.5% urea, dissolved in deionised water.

• AdBlue® is a registered trade name of a product for the car industry that complies with the criteria in standards DIN 70070 and ISO 22241

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

System with the catalytic converter upstream of the particulate filter

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

System with the catalytic converter downstream of the particulate filter

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

How does SCR work?

Selective Catalytic Reduction works off the basic principle of the Catalytic Reduction we spoke about earlier.

The catalyst in this situation is the copper zeolite filter and the base chemical found in AdBlue, Ammonia.

AdBlue Water + Ammonia

Enters Catalyst Reacts with NOx Converts to Water

Injected Chemical split

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

How does SCR work?

NOx: Chemical Split:

Ammonia: Chemical Split:



-Oxygen (X Quantity)

-Hydrogen x3

Nitrogen Safe and Exhausted

Combination: -Hydrogen x2 + Oxygen x1 = Water (H2O)

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

Operation of the SCR:

• When the reducing agent is injected into the hydrolytic section it sets off a chemical reaction that converts reducing agent into CO2 and NH3.

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)

Operation of the SCR: Operating temp approx 200 ℃

Ammonia reacts with NOX forming N2 and H2O ↓

Exhaust gases exiting ↓

Exhaust gas and ammonia enters

This reaction is produced due to the copper zeolite coating ↑

Workshop Practical: Diesel

Emissions Control Overview

Key Components Overview

Live Emissions Testing

Diagnostic Procedures

Recap + Q&A Session

Thank you for your time, Any questions?

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