- Winter Catalogue 2015/16

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Wynn’s Formula Gold Engine Treatment 500ml A chemical treatment completely soluble in oil that has a double action: 1) Increases compression 2) Reduces wear £12.99 555 77 0600

Wynn’s Formula Gold Diesel System Treatment 500ml A chemical treatment composed

Wynn’s Formula Gold Petrol System Treatment 500ml A chemical treatment composed

of detergents and a cerium component that has a triple action: 1) Increases engine performance 2) Reduces fuel consumption 3) Reduces black smoke £12.99 555 77 0580

of combustion improvers and detergents that has a triple action: 1) Increases engine performance 2) Reduces fuel consumption 3) Cleans the injection system £12.99 555 77 0560

Wynn’s Engine Flush 425ml A highly concentrate detergent, designed to clean all oil lubricating systems prior to

Wynn’s Xtreme Diesel System Clean 325ml A powerful ‘one tank’ clean-up, designed to protect, restore and maintain efficiency of modern ‘high

Wynn’s Xtreme Petrol System Clean 325ml A powerful ‘one tank’ cleaner, designed to restore, protect and maintain the

oil change. £4.99 555 77 0420

performance of modern direct injection petrol engines.

pressure common rail’ diesel engines.

£6.99 555 77 0780

£6.99 555 77 0490

Wynn’s Injector Cleaner for Diesel Engines 325ml Increases engine performance, reduces black smoke and improves MPG.

Wynn’s Injector Cleaner for Petrol Engines 325ml A multi- functional fuel treatment to maintain the fuel system of petrol injection engines in optimal condition.

Wynn’s Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner 325ml A chemical treatment for diesel engines that reduces soot

emissions, cleans and regenerates the particulate filter.

£4.99 555 77 0450

£4.99 555 77 0470

£8.99 555 77 0340

Wynn’s Treatments


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