- Winter Catalogue 2015/16
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Normfest RadSeal Radiator Sealer 150ml Safe for the water pump and heating circuit. Suitable for aluminium core radiators and as a preventative measure. 150ml is sufficient to treat up to 10 litres of coolant.
Normfest RadClean Radiator Flush 300ml Cleans cooling systems.
OT 100 Petrol Additive CT 60 Diesel Additive 300ml Excellent cleaning properties. 300ml is sufficient to treat up to 70 litres of fuel. £3.99 Petrol: NOR2897371 Diesel: NOR2897370
Neutralises lime and oily residues, safe for all radiators. Acid and Alkaline free. 300ml is sufficient to treat up to 10 litres of coolant.
£4.99 NOR2897372
£5.99 NOR2897373
Normfest MotClean Oil System Cleaner 500ml Excellent cleaning
Normfest MotSeal Engine Sealer 300ml Replenishes seals and stops oil leaks. Counteracts
Normfest Super-Start 300ml Improves starting in cold and wet conditions.
properties, works during subsequent oil changes. Safe for seals and other engine materials. IMPORTANT: The oil and oil filter MUST be changed after use. NOTE: Not suitable for motorcycles and wet clutch systems.
the viscosity loss of engine oils. Reduces oil consumption and prevents exhaust bluing. Apply after each and every oil change. NOTE: Not suitable
Suitable for 2-stroke and 4-stroke petrol and diesel engines £3.99 NOR2897330300
for motorcycles and wet clutch systems.
£6.49 NOR2897375
£5.99 NOR2897374
Redex Fuel System Cleaner - Petrol
Redex Fuel System Cleaner - Diesel 250ml
Redex Fuel System Cleaner - Petrol Injector 250ml Intensive cleaner for fuel injectors, to
250ml Cleans and maintains fuel systems. It’s safe for catalytic converters and helps to reduce exhaust emissions and increase fuel economy. Just add to petrol and
Removes harmful deposits that build up in the fuel system, leading to fuel savings and reduced emissions.
increase fuel economy and boost performance. Suitable for all petrol, injector, turbocharged and intercooled engines. £4.99 549 77 2031
Suitable for all diesel engines. £4.99 549 77 2021
restore engine performance. £4.99 549 77 2011
Normfest and Redex
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