Bringing more apprentices to the industry
Did you know colleges have Level 3 apprentices
It’s no secret that our sector is facing a serious skills shortage, especially when it comes to young people choosing to start their career in automotive. But there are so many advantages to working in the independent aftermarket, from training and specialist qualifications, to the opportunity to become your own boss. So, what should we be doing to make sure we’re attracting – and keeping – the best talent? 1. F air pay and financial support through the cost of living crisis Fair pay is closely linked to labour rates. Have you put your rates up in line with inflation? Doing so is critical to remaining profitable – so consider whether your rates need to be increased and how best to communicate any changes to customers. A small increase to your hourly rates could be the difference between losing or keeping your most valuable member of staff. Most customers will be open and accepting of any price increases, especially if you’re transparent about it, and continue to offer great service and support!
The IMI ' s Automotive Apprentice ROI Calculator
looking for roles right now?
3. Training and development
Training should be ongoing throughout your team’s careers, so it’s worth checking whether they’re due any refreshers, or want to upskill in any new areas. When it comes to new vehicles, our advice is to focus on diagnostics, then ADAS and then hybrid/ EV. But don’t neglect the brilliant basics – remember diesel and petrol vehicles will be around for a long time yet, and features like brakes are ever-present and ever-critical! This is also something for workshop owners nearer retirement to focus on. Equipping a potential successor with both business and technical skills is a good way to line them up to buy and run the business one day.
Steve Nash , CEO of the I I , said : “ Some firms facing the upfront cost of funding apprentices may feel that it can ’ t be justified . But our ROI Calculator proves the contrary . e urge all employers to use the online tool to estimate the net benefit .
The IMI’s ROI Calculator shows that a level 3 apprentice in automotive maintenance and repair can deliver a return on investment of more than 200% over the course of three years. What’s more, apprentices typically start to yield a profit within 12 to 24 months! Our free online tool is an easy way to gauge how quickly different apprentices pay off . This transparency is particularly welcome given the recent slump in the number of young people taking up apprenticeships in the industry .
4.Diversity Female employment opportunities are growing in garages and bodyshops, but the number of women working in the sector is still tiny. But there’s a real opportunity to encourage more women into the industry. Research has shown that more diverse teams make better decisions and can better understand and meet the needs of their customers.
2. Flexible working arrangements
Perceptions are changing when it comes to what employers should offer in terms of flexibility and a work life balance. Consider offering late starts or early finishes, or the opportunity to take a longer lunch once a week. If planned in advance, flexibility doesn’t have to cause disruption, but can offer huge benefits to your staff.
At LKQ Euro Car Parts, we’re committed to improving gender balance and female diversity, which is why we’re launching our 25 by 25 plan. Running across every part of our business, 25 by 25 is our strategy to ensure at least a quarter of the LKQ Euro Car Parts workforce is made up of women by 2025. It’s an ambitious commitment, but it’s important to be bold if you want to bring about change. We’ve got less than two years to shift the percentage of women in our workforce from 20% to 25%, but we’re determined to do it. As the leading supplier in our sector, we’re proud to be taking a lead and we’ll be sharing our learnings as we go to encourage businesses of all sizes to make positive changes of their own.
Ta e a loo now at the IMI ’ s free - to - use ROI calculator for apprentices and see what your return could be : www . theimi . org . u / roi /
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