Garage Support 3 May 2020 ECP PR Reilly

Special Measures? Even when the lockdown is lifted your workforce and customers need to be protected and to do this, you’ll need to closely adhere to government guidelines. Putting these measures in place, and assuring customers you’re taking it seriously will increase trust and leave them confident you care

about them as much as their vehicle. Here are some top tips to think about:

Safety first ■ Do you have enough PPE and other equipment required to keep your team safe? For example, seat covers, wheel covers or gloves? ■ Have you checked all your diagnostic equipment to ensure it is up to date on subscriptions? ■ Have you checked that your ramps/bays are all working correctly, and the oil levels and hydraulics have been checked to manufacturers specifications?

Open reception ■ Are you keeping your reception open to receive customers and their cars? ■ Have you marked out a line where you would like customers to wait behind? ■ Support this with clear social distancing signage. ■ Have you made provisions for customers to key drop and collect? E.g. ☐ Drop box for keys to be dropped off, with labels for the owner to write and attach to the keys for identification. Keys can be collected from a collection box in similar way. ☐ A board with hooks where the customer places their keys on it and then collects from once the work is complete

☐ Providing antibacterial wipes and gels to clean keys at the point of drop off ☐ Ensure keys do not go to collection area without payment ☐ Create and display clear signage that explains the new drop off and collection process ■ Do you have a process in place so your technicians can safely collect the keys to start work on the vehicle? ■ How will you make your PDQ machines safe for customer use? Can it be used in a socially distanced space and ensure you wipe it down every time it is used. ■ Ensure you have antibacterial bac wipes and hand gels readily available for customers and staff and they are being used regularly.

Closed reception and workshop If you are closing your reception and therefore require an area for key drop off and collection, you will need to think about: ■ Do you have a safe designated area for customers to drop of their keys off? ■ Have you made provisions for customers to key drop and collect? Using similar contactless drop off and collection ideas as above. ■ Have you marked out an area that is customer only – and a technician only area to observe social distancing?

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