Garage Support 4 ROI
Your air con catalogue is now available to download from the Omnihub. You will also find: ■ New service and warranty pages ■ A machine comparison chart to help you choose the right unit for your business needs ■ A Euro Car Parts Team P R Reilly exclusive ECK range ■ A huge range of anti-bacterial and sanitation products Setting up an air con service has never been easier! With one of our air con packages, you will have everything you need, from our essential entry level packages to our all singing premium packages. Mid-range packages Entry-level packages Premium packages PACKAGES START FROM €1,800
251774070 ECK Next R134a 241770010 12kg R134a
251775070 ECK Next PRO R134a 241770010 12kg R134a
251774090 ECK Flag R134a 241770010 12kg R134a
248770880 refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 244770250 Atom machine with 48 fluids
248770880 refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 244770250 Atom machine with 48 fluids 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 254770180 R134a / 1234yf leak detector 253770290 Digital thermometer 252951550 POE68 oil 252779280 UV dye cartridge 248770110 R134a bottle adapter 248773090 R134a low side extension piece 248770650 R134a high side extension piece
248770880 refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 252770350 Saniflux nebuliser 252770355 Sanilfux fluid 253770290 Digital thermometer
261770150 Marksman 2 ultrasonic leak detector 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 251951550 POE68 oil*
253770290 Digital thermometer 248770110 R134a bottle adapter
252771080 Nitorgen adapter and hose 248776370 1kg nitrogen / hyrdrogen 254770640 Hydrogen leak detector 254770180 R134a / 1234yf leak detector 252951550 POE68 oil 252779280 UV dye cartridge 248770110 R134a bottle adapter 248773090 R134a low side extension piece 248770650 R134a high side extension piece
LEVEL 1 & 2
LEVEL 3 The specialist that would like to take it one step further. Course Content: ■ CO 2 and Heat-Pump run-through ■ Impact on electric and hybrid vehicles ■ Diagnostic with each individual system ■ CO 2 as a refrigerant ■ Tooling appropriate for this level h s cialist that w uld lik t tak it on st furth r. urs content: ■ 2 an H at- u run-thr u h Im act on electric an hy rid v hicles ia n stic with each in ividual syst CO 2 as a refrigerant Tooling appropriate for this lev l
Ideal for an introduction in to Automotive AC repair, moving on to more in depth knowledge and practical skills. Id al for an intr uction in t auto otive AC repair, vin on t m r in d th kn le an practical skil s. urs c nt nt:
Course content: LEVEL 1 ■ Systems overview yst s ov rvie (Block valv , Orific , C
LEVEL 2 ■ Systems run-through of Block valve, Orifice & Dual AC system ■ Diagnostics through pressure and temperature ■ In depth component training ■ System controls including sensors ■ Practical training ■ Tooling appropriate for this level € 299 .00 PER CANDIDATE yst s run-thr u h of Block valv , rific & Dual A syst ia n stics thr u h pr s ur an t ratur In d th c n nt trainin ■ Syst c ntr ls inclu in s ns rs ractical training lin a r riat for this lev l € 299 .00 PER C ID
(Block valve, Orifice, CO 2
, etc.)
, etc.)
■ System run-through (Block valve) ■ System diagnostic through temperature ■ Component run-through (Light) ■ Oil overview ■ UV dye overview ■ Refrigerant overview ■ Flushing overview ■ Tooling appropriate for this level yst run-thr u h (Block valv ) yst dia n stic thr u h t ratur ■ Component run-through (Light) il ov rvie dy ov rvie frig rant ov rvie Flushin ov rvie lin a r riat for this lev l
ECK NEXT HFO 251774080 ECK Next HFO 241770130 5kg 1234yf 248770880 Refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 244770250 Atom machine with 48 fluids
ECK NEXT PRO HFO 251775080 ECK Next Pro 241770130 5kg 1234yf 248770880 Refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 244770250 Atom machine with 48 fluids 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 253770290 Digital thermometer 254770180 R134a / 1234yf leak detector 252951550 POE68 oil 252779280 UV dye cartridge 248770490 1234yf bottle adapters
€ 299 .00 PER CANDIDATE € 299 .00 C ID
251774100 ECK Flag HFO 241770130 5kg 1234yf 248770880 Refrigerant gloves 248770870 Safety goggles 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 252770350 Saniflux nebuliser 252770355 Sanilfux fluid 253770290 Digital thermometer
For more information, call your local branch or visit Auto Education Ireland. i , l l l i i i I l . i
261770150 Marksman 2 ultrasonic leak detector 254770260 High bright torch 1 UV led light & glasses 251951550 POE68 oil*
253770290 Digital thermometer 248770490 1234yf bottle adapters
252771080 Nitorgen adapter and hose 248776370 1kg nitrogen / hyrdrogen 254770640 Hydrogen leak detector 254770180 R134a / 1234yf leak detector 252951550 POE68 oil 252779280 UV dye cartridge 248770490 1234yf bottle adapters 248776340 1234yf low side extension piece 248776330 1234yf high side extension piece
Free e-learning courses AC compressor, component installation and troubleshooting ■ Learn the simple ways of diagnosing the condenser and avoid severe and costly failures of the AC system and its other components. ■ The module includes review of the condenser common failures. ■ Learn how to properly perform an AC compressor replacement.
248776340 1234yf low side extension piece 248776330 1234yf high side extension piece
■ The material includes a recommended step-by-step AC system troubleshooting procedure. ■ This will enable you to understand potential root causes of the compressor failure and eliminate them before fitting the new part.
For more information, call your local branch or visit Auto Education Academy.
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