Garage Support Newsletter 8 ROI 2021
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GARAGE SUPPORT Supporting you and your business
2021 Edition 8
Getting ready for winter? We’ve got you covered! ⊲ Offer a FREE winter health check ⊲ Stock up on your winter essentials ⊲ And more...
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Are you offering your customers a FREE Winter Health Check?
As we slip into the winter months your customers will want to know their vehicle is safe for any journey. The evenings are getting darker earlier, it is colder with the frosty mornings, the roads become hazardous and accidents happen. The effects of wear and tear aren’t always obvious, so regardless of when your customers have had their vehicle serviced, offering a winter health check will give your customers peace of mind.
Why offer a winter health check service? Offering a winter health check helps customers make sure their vehicle is safe whilst also providing potential revenue from any urgent repairs or maintenance that you identify during your checks. The health check takes approximately 30mins to complete, so doesn’t eat too much into your working day, and can be easily added to jobs you already have booked in.
h a free winter health check
Why should your customer have a vehicle health check ready for winter?
Wiper blades, screen wash and the cooling system Over the next few months the rain and icy weather will set in meaning customers will need their wipers and screen wash more often. Plus, the colder weather can have a detrimental effect on a vehicles cooling system. Checking wipers are free from splits and damage, making sure screenwash is topped up and antifreeze has been added to the cooling system will ensure the vehicle is in tip top condition and ready for winter.
Battery Battery failure is possible at any time of year if its charging power is drained but it happens more frequently throughout the colder months. Batteries naturally lose their charging capability over time so it’s in your customers best interest to have their batteries checked. 42% of all car breakdowns are caused by a failing battery. Light Bulbs With the darker nights and mornings drawing in, ensuring your customers vehicle’s lights are working correctly is critical for their safety and other road users as it allows you to be able to see and help others to see you. Having a faulty or damaged bulb is illegal so check to ensure all of these are functioning correctly.
How can I promote this service to my customers? We’ve created a handy business toolkit to help you promote a FREE Winter Vehicle Health Check to your customers in your waiting rooms, on your website and across your social media platforms.
Order your free marketing pack at garage-support/winter-health-check
Stay safe and warm this winter
Customer vehicle winter check list
☑ Jump leads Keep a set of jump leads in your car in the event of engine failure. ☑ Battery Perform regular checks on your battery during winter months when it is more susceptible to issues. ☑ Lights Check interior and exterior lights are fully functioning, headlights are aligned correctly. ☑ Brakes Check your brakes regularly to ensure your utmost safety in your vehicle this winter. ☑ Exhaust Make sure your exhaust is healthy and has no leaks. ☑ Heaters Make sure your heaters and defrosters are all in good working order to keep your car warm this winter.
You and your staff Its not only your customers we need to think about this winter, we also need to think about you and your staff. Keep out the cold with one of our Milwaukee heated jackets and portable heaters. Always carry an ice scraper for those frosty days & shovel in case your vehicle should get stuck in a snow drift or ice. ☑ Air pressure & tread depth (winter tyres if needed) Keep your tyres safe for winter driving. ☑ Emergency kit Store an emergency kit in your car for use in the event of any difficulties. ☑ Petrol/diesel Keep your fuel topped up before long journeys to avoid being caught out. ☑ Anti-freeze levels Keep your vehicle’s antifreeze and water mix to a 50/50 ratio. ☑ De-icer to windscreen solution Remember to top your windscreen solution up with de-icer. ☑ Ice scraper & shovel
Download this checklist from Omnihub.
Hand these out to your customers when they come in to your garage.
Stock your staff up with some winter essentials of their own.
Winter Essentials
The unpredictability of our weather can catch us out, heavy showers followed by brilliant sunshine and at this time of year a cold snap or worse.
When your customers book their vehicles for the ready for winter service, you’ll are checking their bulbs, wipers, batteries screen wash and more. To keep you topped up with the items that you frequently order throughout the season, look out for our Winter Essentials publication. Winter Essentials is packed with over 250 key products to keep you and your customers moving.
The catalogue features consumables and workshop essentials such as: ■ Bulbs ■ Wipers ■ Antifreeze ■ Winter clothing ■ Heaters ■ Lighting ■ Batteries ■ And more
All from well renowned brand names.
Keep and eye out for your copy of the Winter Essentials coming this month. Can’t wait? Download your copy now from Omnihub.
Test to earn this winter Opportunities for your workshop this winter
Test every vehicle that comes into the workshop
With cars on your ramps, use this as an opportunity to test every battery that enters your workshop. Not every car will need a battery replaced, but the statistics show though that it could be as high as 1 in 3 vehicles. By testing, you’ve created another benefit for the customer and your workshop. Present your findings good or bad, if it’s good news, it’s a customer service win. If it’s not, it means that the customer has the choice to replace or decline, with 3 out of 4 customers usually taking up the offer of replacement. Checking should take no more than 10 minutes with a standard lead acid battery.
3 out of 4 customers will purchase and replace a battery the same day if the test accurately shows a weak or bad battery
Checking a standard Lead Acid battery in the workshop should take no more than 10 minutes
40% of national breakdowns occur from a direct result of battery failure
Every 1/3 vehicle entering the workshop
could require a new battery
Talk to your Account Manager to find out how to get your hands on this DHC tester FREE!
LKQ Euro car Parts is here to help you set up this service.
We have marketing material available on Omnihub which enables you to advertise this service to your customers. Plus, we’ve got Varta battery fitting instructions available for nearly every make and model of car to help your staff when testing and changing batteries.
Results printout Includes voltage output and charging rate
Visual inspection
DHC 6v/12v Battery Tester Built In Printer
Modern vehicles place highest performance requirements on the battery, which go far beyond simply starting the vehicle. Nowadays, numerous servomotors, safety elements and comfort consumers require a battery that is as powerful as it is safe. As more and more vehicle manufacturers produce vehicles with a Start Stop option, being able to offer an aftermarket solution to your customer base is vital. The market place is seeing a shift in battery sales from standard batteries to Start Stop and it’s predicted that by 2025 that 80% of all new vehicles will have Start Stop technology. We recommend finding out more about this technology and start to embrace the future creating new revenue streams for your workshop. ERA Start Stop Batteries
OE manufactured OE
High Performance Grid
Start Stop
Large Car Parc Coverage
Highest Safety Features
Made in Europe
Why ERA Start Stop batteries It is therefore more than reassuring to know that ERA starter batteries offer maximum starting comfort in every situation. With sophisticated technology and innovative details, ERA offers tailormade solutions for individual mobility: ■ ERA AGM batteries, for maximum performance in modern vehicles with extended Start Stop systems and middle and upper class vehicles with highest energy requirements due to a large number of additional consumers ■ ERA EFB batteries, for strong performance in entry-level Start Stop systems and vehicles with high energy requirements due to additional consumers
The ERA Quality Promise ■ 3 years warranty ■ 100% OE-Quality ■ Made in Europe ■ In accordance with the European battery norm EN50342 ■ Latest Calcium Ca/Ca technology ■ Maintenance free, with leak protection
Green Power Initiative – our contribution for a more sustainable future ■ “Zero Waste Principle” – almost 100% recyclable
■ Modern production environment: High material & energy efficiency,
top priority on employee safety & protection ■ Lean ecological footprint: Made in Europe
Europe’s largest LCV parts range
LCV is the lifeblood of our country, from trades people to delivery services, all of these business rely on their vehicles performing. Time spent off the road is not an option, and is costly. That’s why we have the parts ready and waiting for you to fix your customers vehicles when you need them. Not only that we have the specialist parts that make a difference to keeping these vehicles on the road and performing, meaning, they keep our economy moving. If you want to find out more about how we can keep your customers on the move, then get in touch with your local Branch or Account Manager and see how we can help your business grow. Our comprehensive range of mechanical and collision parts means that we’ve got the range for you, more importantly your customer.
Service and Maintenance Parts
Bodywork and Panels
Clutch Kits, Belts, Pumps, Electrical
Bumpers, Grilles, Bonnets and Lights
Rear Bumpers and Lights
Steering and Suspension
Our brochure only showcases a cross section of high demand, fast moving parts. If you need parts that aren’t shown, then give your local branch a call or go online at to find what you need and get it FAST !
Welcome to LKQ Academy
BOOST YOUR BUSINESS with Learning and Development
Connected to the Future ■ A simple solution to building your skillset ■ An easy to use system to help develop your employees ■ Free skills tests to understand where your current knowledge sits and recommended courses ■ All your results in one place LKQ Academy is the perfect solution in providing automotive and aftermarket training, to help you and your team keep up to date with technical changes, and keep ahead of the competition.
We provide: ■ Online and face to face training on the latest technology. ■ All your technical and business needs in one place. ■ 24/7 access to a learning and development management system.
All courses are designed to support you to increase profitability and drive customer loyalty, helping you become a first fix solution.
We are committed to providing you with the highest quality training that helps you with your everyday demands and supports you through upcoming industry changes. Getting Started
Contact our training department and they will help and guide you step by step on how to set up an account
Why is training your employees important?
Training your employees is important to provide the opportunity for employees to grow their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in your business. Despite the cost of training for employees, the return on investment outweighs the costs in the long run.
There are several reasons it is important, here are a few:
It improves skills and knowledge Training helps to improve the knowledge and skills of your employees in keeping up to date with changes in the industry. These improvements will positively affect the productivity of employees, in turn increase the profits and efficiency.
It shows employees they are valued. Training will help employees feel like the company is invested in them. By continuing to teach your employees new skills and abilities, they will not just become better workers, they will feel like more productive members of your business This will improve their morale, loyalty to you and the business.
Reduction in employee costs In addition to increased productivity training can also help you to reduce the overall employee salary costs through a more refined workforce. It stands to reason that if you have 10 highly well-trained and efficient employees, they can often do the same as 15 untrained, unmotivated, and uninspired employees.
Not all training is face to face and means an employee needs to leave the workplace, why not invest in E-Learning courses. At LKQ Academy we have 100s of courses available from air con to customer service, braking, electric vehicles to diagnostics.
Visit our website for more information and courses available
Online Training
With online learning, you can access content anytime and anywhere. You don’t need to be out of the business to attend our training course providing you a cost-effective way to learn. Online learning provides consistent and standardised training, allowing you to go at your own pace. We have 100s of courses available from air con to customer service and electric vehicles to diagnostics. Start your learning and development journey with us, today.
Why choose online learning? ■ Your employees do not need to leave the business, log on and simply follow the steps ■ Zero travel costs of a full day out of the business ■ Provides a cost-effective way to learn ■ Provides consistent and standardised training, allowing you to go at your own pace.
100s of courses to choose from including:
Steering and Suspension
Air Conditioning
Petrol and Diesel Engines
Light Vehicle Inspections
And more!
Contact your local branch or visit
Make ordering parts simple .
Easy to use anywhere, on any device
OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN 3 EASY STEPS Opening an account could not be easier, follow the steps below to sign up and we’ll get you started in no time!
Visit omnipart.eurocarparts. com/register
Already have an account? Simply go to the and sign in or click on 'Forgot password?' to reset your login details.
Over 4-million Vehicles are now commonly fitted with a wide variety of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)*. To function, ADAS features rely on sensors that continuously and accurately monitor the environment around the vehicle, making these sensors an important part of any repair process.
The range of ADAS systems include:
What does this mean to your business? Quite simply, if you have undertaken a repair to a vehicle that has ADAS installed due to a ‘bump’, no matter how small, the system must be recalibrated. This also applies to any key replaced parts such as steering, suspension, braking and even windscreens.
We have the widest range of equipment from: • Autel • Bosch • HELLA • TEXA We have the technical back up providing all the ADAS proficiency training you need
Our specialist training providers can help you to Understand ADAS and ADAS Sensors: ■ Relationship to vehicle alignment and ADAS
■ How to perform a dynamic calibrations ■ How to perform a static calibration ■ Post calibration
■ Effects of incorrect calibration ■ Effects on other related systems ■ When a calibration should take place
Contact your Account Manager or local branch for more information.
You will be able to: ■ Understand features of Dynamic and Static calibration ■ Accurately calibrate camera-based driver assist systems
Work more efficiently, save time and money in the process. Vehicle technology is advancing at a rapid pace, avoid spending non-chargeable hours assessingwhen HaynesPro can do the hard work for you.
You can quote and repair the vehicle to meet the customers’ demands further increasing your garages’ status. HaynesPro will transform your workshop, saving time spent by increasing mechanics knowledge and expertise, delivering a seamless and efficient service to customers. Whether on reception, in a service bay or out on break-down, the WorkShopData can be accessed with no interruptions, increasing your revenue on jobs.
How can i get HaynesPro for FREE? It’s simple, subscribe or renew for HaynesPro technical data. Complete our sign-up information and you’re ready, order a minimum of 15% of your regular parts order at your local LKQ Euro Car Parts branch or via Omnipart.
The bonus is that you skip the telephone queue when you place your orders online.
Contact your Account Manager or local branch for more information.
E10 explained
What is E10 Fuel? E10 is a biofuel made up of regular unleaded fuel mixed with ethanol. The letter E stands for ethanol, and the number 10 indicates the maximum percentage of ethanol added to the fuel. Ethanol is an alcohol-based fuel produced from the fermentation of plants, such as sugarcane and grains. Blending petrol with ethanol means fewer fossil fuels are required. This, of course, is a hot topic in the fight against climate change and the reducing the demand on fossil fuels.
The introduction of E10 petrol could cut transport CO 2 emissions by 750,000 tonnes a year – the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off the road.
E10 is not compatible with all vehicles It is estimated that around 600,000 cars on the road are not compatible with E10 fuel. Drivers should check if their vehicle manufacturer recommends it. Even if a car is suitable for using E10, we call for caution, as ethanol is hygroscopic, which absorbs moisture from the air. Moisture increases engine deposits and affects driveability, which leads to corrosion and, eventually, component failure. Using E10 petrol can also affect fuel economy, and it is reported drivers may experience around a 1-3% reduction.
Get the right product Wynn’s Specialist E10 Protector is specially developed to prevent problems of corrosion in the fuel system when using E10 fuel. It offers motorists an economical solution to eliminate the risk of engine damage caused by E10 fuel. ■ Makes E10 safe for petrol engines
■ Protects the fuel system against the harmful effects of E10 ■ Reduces the risk of expensive engine damage caused by E10 ■ Protects fuel system components against corrosion ■ Lubricates the entire fuel system, including seals and gaskets ■ Reduces friction and wear of fuel system components
■ Harmless for catalytic converters ■ Stabilises fuel preventing oxidation ■ Restores engine performance and fuel economy
Introducing Optimal
For 30 years the Optimal brand has gained a reputation for quality German engineering. The parts are manufactured in line with OE specifications using quality materials and equipment. The Optimal Steering and Suspension range, which covers ball joints, tie rods, track control arms, stabiliser links, bushes and mountings is accredited to ISO/TS 16949. Most of the references also carry the highly sought after TÜV SÜD certification. TÜV SÜD is an internationally renowned independent organisation for undertaking safety, testing, certification, auditing and advisory services. Introducing Optimal Steering and Suspension Range
Product Quality ■ Tested to withstand temperatures of 120°C to -40°C ■ Salt spray testing for 1,000 hours ■ Over 1,000 steering and suspension products certified by TUV SUD.
With a 3-year warranty, you can trust Optimal.
Contact your Account Manager or local branch for more information.
We reserve the right to amend/withdraw any offer in any way and at any time without compensation. E & O prices exclude VAT. Trade only. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Copyright © 2021 Euro Car Parts.
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