Garage Support Newsletter 8 UK 2021
h a free winter health check
Why should your customer have a vehicle health check ready for winter?
Wiper blades, screen wash and the cooling system Over the next few months the rain and icy weather will set in meaning customers will need their wipers and screen wash more often. Plus, the colder weather can have a detrimental effect on a vehicles cooling system. Checking wipers are free from splits and damage, making sure screenwash is topped up and antifreeze has been added to the cooling system will ensure the vehicle is in tip top condition and ready for winter.
Battery Battery failure is possible at any time of year if its charging power is drained but it happens more frequently throughout the colder months. Batteries naturally lose their charging capability over time so it’s in your customers best interest to have their batteries checked. 42% of all car breakdowns are caused by a failing battery. Light Bulbs With the darker nights and mornings drawing in, ensuring your customers vehicle’s lights are working correctly is critical for their safety and other road users as it allows you to be able to see and help others to see you. Having a faulty or damaged bulb is illegal so check to ensure all of these are functioning correctly.
How can I promote this service to my customers? We’ve created a handy business toolkit to help you promote a FREE Winter Vehicle Health Check to your customers in your waiting rooms, on your website and across your social media platforms.
Order your free marketing pack at garage-support/winter-health-check
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