Garage Support Newsletter 8 UK 2021
Winter Essentials
The unpredictability of our weather can catch us out, heavy showers followed by brilliant sunshine and at this time of year a cold snap or worse.
When your customers book their vehicles for the ready for winter service, you’ll are checking their bulbs, wipers, batteries screen wash and more. To keep you topped up with the items that you frequently order throughout the season, look out for our Winter Essentials publication. Winter Essentials is packed with over 250 key products to keep you and your customers moving.
The catalogue features consumables and workshop essentials such as: ■ Bulbs ■ Wipers ■ Antifreeze ■ Winter clothing ■ Heaters ■ Lighting ■ Batteries ■ And more
All from well renowned brand names.
Keep and eye out for your copy of the Winter Essentials coming this month. Can’t wait? Download your copy now from Omnihub.
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