LCV Brochure IRELAND 2021

LEAF SPRINGS Our leaf spring range features over 250 parts, covering more than 70 different models, available in the branch network for same day or next day delivery. Leaf Springs also absorb the acceleration and braking forces of the vehicle, this can put tremendous stress on the U-Bolts, which are used to secure the Leaf spring to the vehicle. U-Bolts should therefore always be replaced rather than re-used if any maintenance involving their removal takes place. Our range of U-Bolts has been designed to cover the majority of applications. The range is of a universal style and suitable for standard or heavy duty leaf springs, Our U-Bolts are always supplied complete with the required nuts. LKQ Euro Car Parts have a full range of SACHS Leaf springs and also the accessories (bushes and U-bolts) to complete the repair. ■ A wide range of stock available in the branch network for same day delivery (115 – live SKU’s) ■ Plus a full range of additional SKU’s to order direct from SACHS on a 24 hour delivery service (150+ SKU’s) ■ LKQ Euro Car Parts have a full range of Coil springs, AIR springs and Leaf Spring


The largest supplier of OE steering and suspension linkages in the European market. Manufacturers of approximately 50 vehicle brands worldwide use Lemförder steering systems and chassis components.

TRW is also a world leader in the design, manufacturing and supplying of OE steering and suspension systems to the world’s vehicle manufacturers and the aftermarket alike, covering 90% of vehicle parc requirements. Born in the USA in 1919, Moog has over 100 years of experience in the design and manufacturing of quality car parts that are carefully controlled using internal testing, engineering research and have their own product development sites.

Starline is comparable on quality with all aftermarket brands. The complete product range is manufactured to exacting standards using the same processes to those used for OE components.


More than4millionvehicleson the road todayarefittedwithAdvancedDriverAssistanceSystems (ADAS)suchasautonomousemergencybraking, lanedepartureandkeep lanesystems,adaptive cruisecontrolandparkingassist.ADASadoptionbymanufactures isgrowingandasof2016anynew vehiclewill requireaminimumof twoADASsystemsfitted toqualify fora5StarNCAPSafetyRating. ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS

More than 4 million vehicles on the road today are fitted with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as autonomous emergency braking, lane departure and keep lane systems, adaptive cruise control and parking assist. ADAS adoption by manufactures is growing and as of 2016. ADAS calibration is required whenever a sensor’s aim is disturbed in anyway. This can occur as a result of collision or be a result of common repair work such as windshield replacement, suspension repairs or wheel alignment.


Why calibrate ADAS ■ Common repair work can affect the ADAS operation


ADAScalibration is requiredwheneverasensor’saim isdisturbed inanyway.Thiscanoccurasa resultofcollisionorbea resultofcommon repairworksuchaswindshield replacement,suspension repairsorwheelalignment. If thisADASsystem isn’tcalibrated thiscanaffect the operationof thesystem,sendwrong information tosafetysystemsorshutdownall together. ■ Millionsofvehicleson the roadhaveADASand thisnumber isgrowing ■ Common repairworkcanaffect theADASoperation

■ ADASsystemsworking incorrectlyorshuttingdownall together ■ Calibration is required to restore tomanufacturesguidelines

■ ADAS systems working incorrectly or shutting down all together ■ Calibration is required to restore to manufactures guidelines ■ Don’t let a customer go elsewhere because you don’t offer this service ■ Create a new revenue stream for your business

WithADASsystemsbecomingmorepopularhaving thecapabilitywithinyourbusiness tocomplete repairwork fromstart tofinishwithout having to relyonexpensivesubcontractingand increasedcustomerwaiting time iskey togrowingyourbusiness. BENEFITS ■ Servicesyouoffercustomerswillbegreatly increased ■ Ability toprovidefirstfix resolutions ■

Increased revenuestreams foryourworkshop ■ Avoid losingyourcustomer toanothergarage

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