LKQ Academy Training Prospectus January 2022 UK

Air Conditioning Diagnostic Training

Automatic, DSG and Timing Belts

Air conditioning is no longer just a summer product and with more and more vehicles having air con and climate control as standard, this is an important comfort system in any modern vehicle. Nissens provide training that is designed for those who want to learn the basic principles of the air con system and it’s key component operation. You and your technicians may already know the system components, but this level will enable you to understand the logic behind the system and will prepare you for further understanding of the climate systems maintenance.

Since 2017 automatic vehicles have overtaken manual gearboxes and these vehicles will now be more prominent in your workshops. We work with ZF and LUK to offer you the best training to keep your techs up to date with the right information direct from the people that make these systems.

How long has it been since you had some clutch and transmission refresher training?

ZF Automatic Transmission Level 1

Ideal for an introduction into Automotive AC repair, moving on to more in depth knowledge and practical skills. Cooling & Climate Systems | Level 1 & 2 263778940

This course is aimed at garage technicians / mechanics for Car and Light Commercial Vehicles applications. The course covers the key aspects of automatic transmission operation and covers servicing requirements for ZF Automatic transmissions. On completion of the course the candidate will have knowledge of how an automatic transmission operates, including torque converter operation and parts identification.

The below courses have been developed to help technicians stay up to date with the ever-changing mechanics of a vehicles clutch and transmission system INA timing drive technology workshop - Ensure you avoid catastrophic engine failure

Course content: Level 1 ■ Systems overview (block valve, orifice, CO 2 , etc.) ■ System run-through (block valve) ■ System diagnostic through temperature ■ Component run-through (light) ■ Oil overview ■ UV dye overview ■ Refrigerant overview ■ Flushing overview ■ Tooling appropriate for this level. £ 249 .00 PER CANDIDATE

Level 2 ■ Systems run-through of block valve, orifice & dual AC system ■ Diagnostics through pressure and temperature ■ In-depth component training ■ System controls including sensors ■ Practical training ■ Tooling appropriate for this level.



Dry double clutch (DSG) repair solutions and transmission technology (two days)

Included in our training packages

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