MPM Oil 20pp A4 Brochure ROI

ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid HFM 1Ltr 522778472 4Ltr 522778471 20Ltr 522778475 According to the specifications of: Aisin Warner JWS 3309 / JWS 3314 / JWS 3317, BMW ETL-7045E / ETL-8072B, Ford Mercon-V / WSS-M2C202-B, Honda ATF Z1, Hyundai ATF SP-III / ATF SP-IV, KIA SP-III / SP-IV, Mitsubishi Diamond SP-II / Diamond SP-III, Nissan Matic D / Matic J / Matic K, Opel/GM 1940 773, Saab JWS 3309, Suzuki JWS 3309, Toyota T / T-III / T-IV, VW G 055 025, Volvo 1161540 ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid High Torque 1Ltr 522778482 4Ltr 522778481 20Ltr 522778485 According to the specifications of: Aisin Warner AW-1, Fiat 9.55550-AV2, Ford M2C922-A1, JATCO 3100 PL085 / FWD (N402) / JF506E (K17), VW G 052 990 ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid LV 1Ltr 522778492 4Ltr 522778491 20Ltr 522778495 According to the specifications of: Aisin Warner JWS 3324, Ford Mercon LV / WSS- M2C938-A, Honda DW-1, Mitsubishi Dia Queen ATF J3 / Dia Queen ATF-PA, Toyota Fluid WS, VW G 055 540

AVAILABLE IN 1Ltr 4Ltr 20Ltr


AVAILABLE IN 1Ltr 4Ltr 20Ltr

AVAILABLE IN 1Ltr 4Ltr 20Ltr

ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid MB7 1Ltr 522778502 4Ltr 522778501 20Ltr 522778505

AVAILABLE IN 1Ltr 4Ltr 20Ltr

According to the specifications of: MB-Approval 236.10 / 236.12 / 236.14

ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid MB7S MB-236.15 1Ltr 522778512 4Ltr 522778511 20Ltr 522778515 According to the specifications of: MB-Approval 236.15

AVAILABLE IN 1Ltr 4Ltr 20Ltr

This is intended as quick reference guide only. Always consult the vehicle manufacturer’s handbook for precise specifications.

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