Optimal - Steering and Suspension 2021


A crucial part of a vehicle’s steering system, is the centre drag link (also known as the centre link). This is connected to both the Pitman and idler arms at either end, the centre drag link is joined to the inner tie rods. The job of centre drag links is to manoeuvre inner tie rod ends such that a vehicle’s wheels turn properly when the steering wheel is moved.


The idler arm and pitman arm sit at opposite sides of the steering box. The pitman arm converts motion from the steering wheel into the energy that wheels need to turn. The idler arm pivots in parallel on the passenger side of a vehicle. The arms work together to keep both sides of the vehicle at the right height. This helps the wheels to rotate at the same speed. Due to its pivotal function, the idler arm tends to suffer greater wear than the pitman arm, but both of these vital parts can become less effective with age.


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