Pagid Proud to Fit Newsletter 07_Aspire

Maximise value with Aspire Our Pagid Aspire programme is available to all Pagid Proud to Fit Approved Installers and is a great way to maximise the value of your money. Let us explain how this works…

By investing £1,200 in Pagid products each month, you’ll earn 36 points to spend in the Aspire store. This equates to just 24 jobs valued at £50 each. In a mere 3 months of accumulating points, you could get your hands on: 1

100 Dual branded A5 flyers to hand out to your customers

3 Pagid branded PVC banners to display in your workshop

Coat to keep you warm this winter

Register today and start earning



Step 1 Visit our online store and complete the registration form. Step 3

Step 2 You’ll be notified once your account is set-up and ready to use. Step 4

Scan to sign up today.



Continue to purchase and fit Pagid in order to achieve your monthly target at £1,200.

Once the points land in your Aspire account you can add the items you need to your basket and hit order!

You’ll receive personalised emails – the first can be expected at the beginning of the month, providing an overview of the previous month’s performance, while the second lands in the middle of the month, offering a progress update to help you stay on track.


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