Pick n Mix_Brochure_A5_May2018 (New products)
Hit target above to get
, then get
for every £500 over target
Welcome to Pick ‘n’ Mix , the exciting new rewards programme for customers of Euro Car Parts. Over the coming months you will have the opportunity to earn points which can be redeemed against some of the latest tech products in the marketplace. Hit the target shown above and you will get 50 points to spend in the catalogue. You will then earn an additional 50 bonus points for every £500 over target. For example, if your target is £2400 and you spend £2900 you will receive 100 points (50 points for hitting target and 50 bonus points for £500 over target). The choice is yours whether you choose to pick a prize with your points each month, or save them up for bigger better prizes: You can mix your prize selection to the value of your points. Targets are reset on the 1 st day of each month.
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