


THE FOUR MAJOR DIESEL MANUFACTURERS We offer Injectors and pumps from the four major diesel manufacturers as brand-new units and a remanufactured equivalent.

Lucas Diesel remanufacture each of these brands to offer a cost-effective solution which also helps reduce the carbon footprint by recycling useable diesel core.

Did you know… When a diesel injector is remanufactured, part of the remanufacturing process is to run it on a test bench. This process ensures a quality tested product and generates the correction codes required to programme it to the vehicle. On Lucas remanufactured injectors, you must look for the programming code on the Lucas sticker rather than the etched code the injector would have had from new.

Bosch BX injectors have their codes rewritten on the top of the injector in the same manner as a brand-new injector.

Know your end digits Unlike most PGs where the ninth digit in the part number indicates brand, the ninth digit on diesel pumps and injectors indicates quality. 5 = Brand new unit. 12 months warranty


2 = Lucas remanufactured unit. 24 months warranty 0 = Manufacturer reman – primarily Bosch BX, as Bosch is the only manufacturer offering a comprehensive remanufacturer programme to the UK aftermarket.

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