ROI SMR Brochure Aug-Oct 2023

Around the engine


“Charge Up” your workshop for battery season There are plenty of opportunities for a workshop to upsell or gain extra revenue, no more so than batteries Batteries eventually fail – simple Checking a customer’s battery should be part of the service you offer, if it’s working then great, you can give the customer the good news, if not then recommend the next course of action We have been promoting for the last couple of years the importance of battery testing, but did you know what can make a battery fail and why a simple test can be preventative for your customer

Weather conditions Hot and cold weather both stress a battery In the warmer weather it can cause cells to crack, the colder weather will exaggerate these failures, meaning poor or non performance (Cranking power)

Short journeys and lowmileage Both of these will put huge amounts of stress through a battery, being undercharged for any period of time will effect the condition of the battery, leading to poor performance

Battery corrosion Battery corrosion over time will affect the how the battery will maintain a charge and eventually the ability to start the vehicle Always look for corrosion and test

What can your workshop earn from testing?



Standard Batteries

Start-Stop Batteries

Unleashing the power of battery testing



Average selling price to customer



Workshop average hourly labour rate



Total price to customer*

A workshop typically has 10 vehicles a day (depending on size) testing These vehicles could translate into three vehicles requiring a new battery a day (one in three) *Total minus workshop battery purchase

Potential return:


Standard Batteries

Start-Stop Batteries



Daily (3 a day)



Weekly (15 a week)



Monthly (60 a month)

*Total minus workshop battery purchase

In general, a vehicle will usually need a new battery after four to five years This figure can depend on how the vehicle is driven, mileage, storage and other factors However as the car parc ages and consumers are keeping vehicles for longer, the likelihood is that there will be more battery failures The answer is simple, test every vehicle that enters your workshop and make sure your customer has a fit for purpose battery How long should a car battery last? Hot tips

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