SMR May - June Brochure UK_40p_May 2022 V1 (2)
Powering up your workshop and customer
Turbojetzt is an LKQ Euro Car Parts brand.
Turbojetzt remanufactures turbos to original specifications using new parts, offering a cost-effective solution to many customers. Each unit is tested to ensure it meets the expectations of original operational performance.
AGM is the leading technology on the market for the most exacting requirements. AGM batteries are engineered to cope with the excess heat created by regenerative braking and the continuous on/off action of the Stop-Start system. Importantly, they power the electrics when the engine is in “sleep mode”, at traffic lights or stuck in traffic jams. AGM Technology
2. LACK OF POWER ■ Check the filter, hoses and pipes are clean and in good condition ■ Check the fuel injection system is in good condition and correctly adjusted ■ Check the exhaust system, including catalyst and DPF, is not blocked or damaged.
3. EXCESSIVE SMOKE OR OIL CONSUMPTION ■ Check the air filters are not restricted or blocked ■ Check the engine oil specifications strictly correspond to car manufacturer’s recommendations ■ Check the oil drain pipe is clean and not restricted ■ Check for excessive pressure in engine crankcase and correct function of engine breather system ■ Check the hoses and joints are in good condition ■ Check for lubrication problems in engine block if oil or carbon deposits are found on exhaust manifolds or in the turbine.
PERFORMANCE ■ Check the pipework and support brackets are not loose or damaged and the connections are good ■ Check for any leakages or cracks in the intercooler.
AGM batteries offer:
We are proud to introduce to you the extensive Starline battery range which covers not only the automotive market, but also batteries specifically designed for a number of applications including standard automotive, commercial, marine and leisure. Starline Automotive batteries are designed for maximum starting power, completely maintenance free and meet the highest quality standards. Standard Batteries Manufactured using the latest calcium technology to withstand higher temperatures with improved shelf life and overall performance. All Starline batteries are sourced only from factories that have a long-respected history in battery manufacturing.
Longer service life
Greater deep cycle resistance
Excellent charge acceptance
TURBOJETZT HELPLINE Should you or any of your customers have any queries with regards to Turbojetzt Turbos, call our technical helpline: 0330 33 22 099
Improved starting performance
Leak proof
Maintenance free
3-year warranty Standard Batteries Stop-Start Batteries
2-year warranty
Commercial Batteries
Leisure Batteries
EFB Technology
EFB technology satisfies requirements that lie somewhere between conventional starter batteries and AGM technology. Like AGM, EFB batteries power the electrics when the engine is in “sleep mode”. They ensure that sufficient energy is always available, even when a large number of energy consumers are operating during the stop phase.
EFB batteries offer:
LKQ Euro Car Parts offer an extensive range of both new and remanufactured units that come with a 2-year warranty. Contact your local branch today.
Longer service life
Double the cycle resistance of standard
Reliable starting in extreme temperatures
Outstanding charge acceptance
Maintenance free
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