Tools Look Ups
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If you know which Brand of Tool you are looking for you can use any of the Suppliers websites listed below. Please familiarise yourself with them as they are easy to use and will no doubt help you increase your sales. There will always be supplier marketing material sent to your branch every quarter, some suppliers send their publication out monthly. Please ask your Ops Team to keep an eye out for these deliveries with your overnight stock. When looking for popular tools and you are unsure of the supplier or manufacturer, try a word search in Kerridge. All MasterPro and Pagid tools start with 538 77 xxxx. You can use a combination of part numbers are words, or just words to search for the tool you require.
EXAMPLE 1 If you type in 53877 SOCKET SET – This will return a list of all of our own branded socket sets and related items such as Injector Sockets and TRX Sets. EXAMPLE 2 If you type in PAGID WIND – This will return all of the Pagid Wind Back Tools EXAMPLE 3 If you type in DHC CHARGER – All of the DHC range of battery chargers will be returned. EXAMPLE 4 If you type REN BUSH TOOL – This will return the Renault Laguna Rear Bush Tool. This will obviously only help with general searches. Vehicle or Engine specific tools may need a more detailed search. For Timing Tools use Laser, their look up is clear, concise and accurate. This applies to searches after you have tried TopCat as we now have the Top 50 Laser liming tools linked to the INA Timing Kits. The more you use the Suppliers e-catalogues the easier you will it to sell tools and add value to your day. The links below will cover the majority of the inquiries that you will receive, from your customers.
ABAC 01869 326226
ALBA DIAGNOSTICS LTD 01592 774333 AST TOOLS 01527 528848 AUTEL 0333 0129959
DUN BRI 01763 274185 DYNOMEC 01977 520666
FAST MOVER TOOLS 01582 661993
HAZTEC 0113 202 9115
KARCHER 01295 752000 KLANN TOOLS 01756 706700
LASER 01926 815000
MILWAUKEE 01628 894400 NORBAR 01295 753600 OMEGA 01539 739733
PAGID catalogue
SAMOA 01942 850600
SEALEY Retail website for your customer
Sealey B2B website, not to be given to our customers. This gives OUR price and their stock availability
Log in:- ecp and password is eurocarparts
This website will give you the option to word search by using the horizontal blue bar across the top or the index sections on the left vertical column. 01284 757500 – Sales 01284 757505 – Technical
SIP TOOLS 01509 500500
SYKES 01543 679900
If you are unable to find the tool that you need, then and only then you should contact the webchat team. If you need a part number created please email prodman@ and we will assist you as long as you can help with the following: • Brand • Supplier • Cost • Description • Sell out (this may require Head Office to dictate/correct).
Please also remember than inquiries for availability should be made through Special Orders Team.
BRANDS AND THEIR PRODUCTS ABAC – compressors, SRB and Screw Types ALBA – Brake Tools AST Tools – Timing and Specialist Application Tools Autel – Diagnostic hand helds Carolus – General tools Compac – lifting and hydraulic tools Dun Bri – Flashing beacons DHC – Battery Testers Fast Mover Tools – Bodyshop and collision repair tools Gedore – General Tools Haztec – light bars AV warning systems iDuctor – Flameless heat gun Karcher – Pressure washers, floor scrubbers and vacuums Klann Tools – Specialist solution tolls supplied to vehicle manufacturers - OE Kuani – Air Tools
Laser – Tool Connection – General Tools MasterPro – Our own brand, general tools Midtronics – Battery Testers Milwaukee – High quality, heavy duty battery powered tools Norbar – Torque wrenches Omega – Jacks and lifting, and hand tools Pagid – Professional braking Tools Philips – OE quality hand held lighting Samoa – Oil and fuel handling Sealey – General Tools Selson – Air Jacks SIP Tools – Workshop and Handheld Tools Sykes – Workshop Tools
Rick Newman Product Manager – Tools Direct: +44 (0)208 956 5029 Mobile: 07531 887653 - Cisco: 700-1029
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