UK Bodyshop Catalogue Feb-May 2023
Paint Shop Bodyshop Efficiency Focus
Q&A Q: We’ve always done it this way, I would rather live with increasing costs than upset my paint technicians. A: If there’s an opportunity to save money, wouldn’t you want to know? Also, the industry is inevitably moving towards better sustainability. It makes sense to take control of moving your processes forward at a pace that suits you, rather than having changes imposed externally.
Q: What is involved in carrying out an assessment? A: I t’s a matter of walking through all your processes, products, and equipment you use and starting with the simple question – is there an alternative way. It will then allow you to overlay your operational data to identify options to change, the investment needed and the benefit of doing so. The benefit could be linked to many areas including sustainability, throughput, cost or even safety.
Q: How can I get more information on carrying out a Paint Mixing Room Review? A: F irst point of call is your Account Manager to help you define what you want to achieve. We will also be launching a sustainability course this year, covering the whole bodyshop – operations – not just your paint room. Dates to be released soon.
Sustainability doesn’t always mean cost, but it does mean change. Sustainability can offer a win-win scenario for you – reducing cost, increasing compliance and ultimately ensuring longevity in the industry. Did you know?
Check to see If you are currently running close to exceeding your Local Authority threshold for requiring a VOC License, there are some simple steps that could immediately bring you back down well clear of the threshold.
It has been reported that some Work Providers are already considering requiring BSI PAS1620 (Carbon Footprint) compliance. This trend is only going to increase.
Price, availability and specification may change without prior notice. Warranty subject to manufacturers terms and conditions of use. Errors and omissions excluded. Order parts online, head to Offers valid until 30th April 2023 Prices correct at time of going to press: January 2023.
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