Winter Workshop Ready September 2020

Winter Workshop Ready

Battery Testing and Charging Page 4

Karcher Cleaning & Valeting Pages 8 - 9

Milwaukee Lighting Page 14

Winter Essentials Pages 6 - 7

Workwear Pages 21

Triple QX Antifreeze Page 10

PPE & Cleaning Pages 23

Screen Wash Page 11

Call your local branch now!

Every 3rd vehicle entering the workshop could require a new battery


By testing every battery, you are keeping your customers moving! It’s recommended that workshops should be performing a battery test on all vehicles coming in for any kind of maintenance. Due to lockdown many vehicles will not have visited a workshop for a long period of time, so it is important for a technician to perform a battery test as part of a service on the vehicle whilst it’s with you. 40% of national breakdowns occur from a direct result of battery failure. Accurate testing can identify batteries in a poor condition and could result in a new battery being fitted, keeping your customers happy and on the road. When you look at the power a battery is required to provide on modern vehicles, it is understandable to see why a more robust battery is required. Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) and Enhanced Flooded Batteries (EFB) have been designed for the increasing electrical demands placed on the battery and fitting a traditional flooded battery will not provide the output needed for the start-stop function or cope with the additional vehicle starts. In addition, more complex vehicle systems such as infotainment screens, smartphone interface and wi-fi output are all commonplace on the latest vehicles. AGM and EFB batteries are designed for the modern vehicle with complex technology. When replacing a battery, it is vital that the correct type of battery technology is fitted to the vehicle. EFB AGM

Not all testers are created equal The challenge is that all battery testers will give a result when testing – good, bad, recharge & retest. Even a tester that is not capable or designed to work with stop start batteries will falsely give a ‘good’ result. When a tester is used that doesn’t have a separate search for battery type AGM and EFB it basically passes it as “good” because the algorithm in the tester is incapable of reading the different battery technology of stop start vehicles. It then tests the battery within its own pre-set parameters for standard batteries. The vehicle now has a “healthy test report”, leaves the workshop only to breakdown shortly afterwards because of the report produced was false due to the battery tester incompatibility.

We stock an extensive range of Car, Bike, Commercial and Leisure Batteries

5 Step best practice





Offer a Battery Test-Check to all customers coming into the workshop.

The test only takes a few minutes. All you need is a battery tester with a printer.

If the diagnoses detects a weak battery, recommend an immediate replacement. It’s proven that 70% of customers follow the workshops recommendation.


Battery Stand - 997776660 Varta Header - 997770971 Bosch Header - 997774031 Exide Header - 412991001 Lion Header - 997774131

Bosch Wobble Board - 997774221 Exide Wobble Board - 997774211 Lion Wobble Board - 997774131 Wobble Board Base - 997774121



Inform your customer of the Battery Test Check results.

Satisfied customers: Your customer feels well-advised and can rely on a fully functioning battery.



Battery Testing and Charging

Battery Testing and Charging

Sealey Digital Start/Stop Battery & Alternator Tester with Printer £249 .95 SEABT2014

Sealey Digital Battery & Alternator Tester 6-12V Battery 6, 12, 24V £149 .95 SEABT2002

Sealey RoadStart Emergency Jump Starter 12V 1000 Peak Amps £129 .95 SEARS1

Sealey RoadStart Emergency Jump Starter 12V 1600 Peak Amps £199 .95 SEARS102

Sealey Schumacher RoadStart Emergency Jump Starter 12/24V 4600 Peak Amps £649 .95 SEAPBI4424GS

Sealey Starter/ Charger 140/21A 12/24V 230V

Sealey Starter/ Charger 180/40A 12/24V 230V



Sealey Digital Battery Tester 12V £69 .95 SEABT2101

Sealey Open & Short DC Circuit Detector 6-42V £39 .95 SEAFF400

Sealey Digital Start/Stop Battery & Alternator/ Starter Tester £107 .95 SEABT2011

Sealey Automotive Battery/ Alternator Voltage Tester 12V £15 .95 SEATA301

Sealey Compact Auto Smart Charger 1A 6/12V £17 .95 SEAAUTOCHARGE100HF

Sealey Compact Auto Smart Charger 4A 9-Cycle 6/12V - Lithium £39 .95 SEAAUTOCHARGE400HF

Sealey Four Bank 6/12V 8Amp (4 x 2A) Auto Maintenance Charger £109 .95 SEAMBC420

SealeyRoadStart Emergency Jump Starter 12/24V 3000/1500PeakAmps £259 .95 SEARS125

Sealey Starter/Charger 320/45Amp 12/24V 230V £169 .95 SEASTART320

Sealey Starter/Charger 420/60Amp 12/24V 230V £189.95 SEASTART420

Sealey Starter/Charger 560/95A 12/24V 230V £219.95 SEASTART560

Sealey Battery Charger 14Amp 12V/24V 230V £77 .95 SEACHARGE110

Sealey Battery Charger 28Amp 12/24V 230V £109 .95 SEACHARGE124

Sealey Battery Charger 8Amp 12/24V 230V £64 .95 SEACHARGE106



Winter Essentials

Winter Essentials

Meguiars One-Step Headlight Restoration Kit £15 .56 549773401

Holts Headlight Restorer Kit £11 .00 553999170

Object Magnetic Winderscreen Cover + Free

Top Tech Ice Scraper with Squeegee and Foam £1 .18 553772380

CarPlan Winter Essentials Gift Pack £3 .10 553772360

Scraper £2 .71 552996990

Streetwize Battery and Alternator Tester Basic £6 .40 549778961

Sakura Booster Cables 400amp Heavy Duty 3m cable £8 .16 551777725

Streetwize Kruga Air Compressor with Orange Lead/Gauge £24 .40 550993230

Top Tech Antifreeze Tester £1 .31 549777561

AlcoSense UK Single Use Breathalysers

(1 Pack) £1 .73 548776100

Carplan Flate Mate - Tyre

Holts Tyreweld 400ml £4 .99 549772001

Ring 12v Emergency Mini Air Compressor £11 .98 549776231

Carpoint ALL-RIDE Foldable Snow Shovel £5 .63 550770365

Top Tech Heavy Duty Premium Ice Scraper with Foam Handle £1 .38 549777541

RAC Snow Brush Scraper £2 .27 552996960

Top Tech Standard Window Ice Scraper Rubber Handle £0 .77 549777531

Repair 500ml £7 .25 553770730

Top Tech 12v Digital Air Tyre Compressor £22 .84 549777131

Top Tech Booster Cables

Rainx Anti-Fog 200ml £4 .31 549774751

Triplewax Demister Pad £0 .97 553771350

Pingi - Car-dehumidifier (Single Unit) £5 .05 549771822

2.5m 160Amp £5 .57 549777341 3.0m 300Amp £9 .11 549777351 5.0m 600Amp £20 .66 549777371



Karcher Cleaning & Valeting

Karcher Cleaning & Valeting

Karcher Xpert Deluxe Pressure Washer 240v HD7125X £549 .00 546778910

Karcher HD6/13C Plus Cold Water Pressure Washer £525 .00 546778000

Karcher Xpert One Pressure Washer

Karcher BR 40/10 C Adv Scrubber Drier £1,595 .00 54677108D

Karcher Puzzi 8/1 C Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner/Valeting Machine £399 .00 546778010

Karcher HDS5/11U Entry-Level Hot Water Pressure Washer Light Duty £999 .00 KA10640320

240v HD7125 £449 .00 546778860

Karcher HDS5/12 C Hot Water Pressure Washer Light Duty No Steam Mode £1,499 .00 546770190

Karcher RM760 Puzzi Spray Extraction Detergent Powder 10kg £79 .99 546770270

Karcher HDS7/10-4 M Hot Water & Steam Pressure Washer 240V

Karcher FloorPro Tyre and Abrasion Marks Remover RM776 BR40/10 £49 .99 546773490

EasyForce Trigger £2,395 .00 546771100

Karcher RM110 Water Softener 1 Litre £7 .99 546773370

Karcher HDS6/12C Hot Water Pressure Washer

Karcher Ride OnScrubber dryer BD 50/70 R Bp Pack Classic £4,875 .00 546774260

Karcher Scrubber dryer BD43/35CEp £1,699 .00 546772590

Karcher PressurePro

Karcher RM110 - 5 LTR Water Softener £19 .99 546770250

Karcher Basic floor cleaner RM69ASF eco efficiency 2.5L £12 .99 546771940

With Steam Mode £1,895 .00 546771740

Machine Protector Advance 2 RM111 £9 .99 KA6295629



Triple QX Antifreeze

Screen Wash

Triple QX Screen Wash

The Triple QX Antifreeze and Summer Coolant range is available in both concentrated and ready mixed variants with the latest addition of G13 specification giving higher stability conditions, ensuring product reliability under extreme winter conditions.


Purple 5 Year Protection

BS6580 (2010), REPLACES

1Ltr £0 .97 542771150 5Ltr £2 .11 542771151

199Ltr £69 .77 542771156 1000Ltr IBC £419 .96 542771157


Ready Mixed

Fully Concentrated

VW G-13/TL 774J & NF R 15601 TYPE 3

1 Ltr £2 .49 523770522 5 Ltr £9 .99 523770521

1 Ltr £2 .99 523770492

5 Ltr £12 .99 523770491

20 Ltr £36 .09 52377049T

199 Ltr £349 .99 523770496

Triple QX Screen Wash -15°C

Triple QX Ready Mixed Screen Wash

1Ltr £0 .96 542771250 5Ltr £3 .49 542771251 25Ltr £8 .99 542771255


Orange 5 Year Protection


1Ltr £1 .30 542771200 5Ltr £2 .88 542771201

Ready Mixed

Fully Concentrated

1 Ltr £3 .99 523770982 5 Ltr £7 .99 523770981

1 Ltr £3 .99 523770972

5 Ltr £14 .99 523770971

20 Ltr £45 .16 52377097T

199 Ltr £349 .99 523770976

Triple QX Screen Wash -75°C 1Ltr £3 .15 542771210

Triple QX Screen Wash -15°C Apple Fragrance

1 Ltr £0 .96 542772080 5Ltr £3 .59 542772081 25Ltr £9 .45 542772085


Red 5 Year Protection

BS6580 (2010), VW G-12/TL-774D & G-12+TL-774F, MAN 278 & 324, MB 325.3, RENAULT 41-01-001

Ready Mixed

Fully Concentrated

5 Ltr £11 .99 523770481

1 Ltr £1 .99 523770512 5 Ltr £7 .99 523770511

1 Ltr £2 .49 523770482

20 Ltr £32 .25 52377048T

199 Ltr £259 .99 523770486

Normfest Flash Screen Wash Additive 30ml £0 .64 NOR2897313100

Normfest Frostex Anti-Freeze Screen Wash 1Ltr £2 .18 NOR2897314

Normfest Frostex Sub Zero (-70°C) Screen Wash 500ml £1 .68 NOR2897312

HoltsOne Shot 125ml Screenwash Concentrate (Makes >5L) £0 .97 550994340


Blue 2 Year Protection

BS6580 (2010), ASTM D 3306 & 4985, SAE J 1034, AFNOR NF R 15601

Ready Mixed

Fully Concentrated

5 Ltr £9 .99 523770471

1 Ltr £1 .99 523770502 5 Ltr £7 .99 523770501

1 Ltr £2 .49 523770472

20 Ltr £30 .77 52377047T

199 Ltr £259 .00 523770476





Normfest DPF100 Cleaner 400ml £19 .97 NOR2897380

Normfest Motclean - Oil System Cleaner 500ml £4 .22 NOR2897375

Normfest CT60 Diesel Additive 300ml £3 .41 NOR2897370

Redex Petrol System Cleaner 500ml (100% Extra Free) £3 .96 549770261

CAT001 Cataclean for Petrol 500ml £9 .74 542770410

CAT002 Cataclean for Diesel DPF 500ml £9 .52 542771700

Redex Diesel System Cleaner 500ml (100% Extra Free) £3 .96 549770271

Normfest Radseal Radiator Sealer 150ml £2 .69 NOR2897372

Normfest Radclean Radiator Flush 250ml £4 .58 NOR2897373

Wynn’s Diesel EGR Valve Aerosol 200ml £7 .60 555770100

Wynn’s Air Intake & Carb Cleaner 500ml £2 .81 555770650

STP Oil Treatment 450ml for Petrol

Engines £3 .67 549771731

STP Engine Flush 450ml for Petrol or Diesel engines £2 .49 549771811

STP Petrol Injector Cleaner 200ml £3 .99 549771791

STP Diesel Injector Cleaner 200ml £3 .99 549771801

Wynns Professional Petrol Fuel System Cleaner 325ml £5 .99 555770240

Wynn’s Extreme Cooling System Degreaser 325ml £10 .08 555770770

Wynn’s Petrol EGR 3 Aerosol 200ml £7 .87 555770160

Wynn’s Professional Cooling System Flush 325ml £5 .84 555770200

Wynn’s Petrol Power 3 Pro £3 .69 555770140

Wynn’s Petrol Clean 3 500ml £10 .04 555770150

STP Oil Treatment 300ml For Diesel Engines £4 .41 549771741

STP Power Steering Fluid 12oz £2 .31 549771751

Holts Radweld 250ml £2 .42 549772101

Wynn’s Professional

black bottle Diesel Clean 3 500ml £9 .98 555770090



Milwaukee Lighting

Top Tech Lighting

M12 360 Degree Illumination Lantern (Naked - no batteries

M18 TRUEVIEW LED Rover Area Light (Naked - no batteries

M18 TRUEVIEW Rocket LED Tower Light (Naked - no batteries or charger) £199 .00 MIL451246

Rechargeable Headlight Torch Adjustable Brightness And Red

Rechargable Foldable Bonnet Work Light with Built-in Brackets £49 .99 529770050

or charger) £49 .99 MIL430562

or charger) £89 .99 MIL30392

Rear Light £16 .99 529772441

3W Aluminium Battery Powered COB Penlight £3 .49 529772461

Cordless 21+ 5 LED Rechargeable Inspection Lamp Lithium-ion £32 .99 529771181

Slim Rechargeable Hand Held 3W COB Inspection Lamp With 2SMD Torch £24 .99 529772451

Rechargeable 3W COB Penlight with 1W LED Torch £7 .49 529772471

TRUEVIEW 4V REDLITHIUM-ION USB Folding Flashlight (1 x 4V battery,

USB cable) £62 .99 MIL464821

3W Rechargable High Power Cordless Lamp

Led Rechargeable Work Light With Adjustable Base

M12 Under Hood Light (Naked - no batteries or charger) £109 .00 MIL459432

Scangrip Rechargeable Under Bonnet Light £49 .99 965999201

With Angle Adjustment £32 .99 529771610

6SMD + 1W £24 .99 529772481

M18 TRUEVIEW LED Inspection Light (Naked - no batteries or charger) £59 .99 MIL430564

M12 LED Stick Light (Naked - no batteries or charger) £39 .99 MIL430178

TRUEVIEW Alkaline Pen Light £14 .99 MIL459440

M18 TRUEVIEW Pivoting Head Area Light (Naked - no batteries or charger) £99 .99 MIL464105

Hand Held Rechargeable Portable Light with Magnet £22 .99 529771231

I-View Head Torch £29 .99 965999181

Hose Light - Z3120 £24 .99 529772491



Garage Services from LKQ Euro Car Parts

Service Solutions


Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. These days, keeping customers, and finding new ones, is tough. Competition is fierce, so the last thing you want to do is send customers elsewhere because you’re unable to provide the right solutions in-house. Garage Services from LKQ Euro Car Parts is a range of added value services designed to provide your customers with all the regular services they’ll require to keep their vehicles up to date.

The most effective application from fault to fix

HaynesPro WorkshopData™ combines essential maintenance and repair data with detailed technical drawings, using a unique electronic data modules and intelligent diagnostics. Enabling mechanics to diagnose, maintain and repair passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.**

The range includes:

KEY HAYNESPRO FEATURES ■ Up to 4 simultaneous users at one time ■ Includes labour & repair times ■ Wiring diagrams, guided diagnostics, technical service, bulletins and recalls ■ One single access to 99% of makes based on OEM data.

BENEFITS TO YOUR BUSINESS ■ Help identify issues quickly and reduces on-job times as well as non-billable hours ■ Very easy to use and mobile friendly. Most information is no more than two clicks away ■ Keep all garage functions running simultaneously ■ Gives your garage the bespoke step up, propelling you into the best of the best

*Contact your branch for more details on this offer. **Truck diagnostics can be added as an additional subscription at an additional fee.


Air Conditioning

Carbon Cleaning


Tyre & Wheel Balancing

Wheel Alignment

Hybrid and Electric




Additional revenue streams for your workshop

Avoid losing a customer or work to another garage

Increased customer satisfaction and retention

Ability to provide first fix resolutions

■ Autotech recruit enables you to be able to fill those shortages with temporary technicians. ■ Autotech recruit have a database of over 600 technicians with a minimum of 5 years experience. Most have been main dealer trained or have specialist training in specific brands. ■ Autotech recruit has been established with the aim of a one stop recruitment solution to the automotive industry, which in turn, aids the efficiency and profits of your garage. ⊲ DO YOU HAVE TO TURN WORK AWAY BECAUSE YOU HAVE REDUCED STAFFING LEVELS? ⊲ DO YOU HAVE TO TURN AWAY WORK BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE THE CAPACITY WITH TECHNICIANS?

Benefits of Easy Start Finance Scheme: Get all the benefit of Garage Services by utilising the Easy Start Scheme


The CarSys Garage Management Software (GMS) is your new perfect partner for managing all aspects of your workshop simply and easily. Frommanaging stock, organising jobs and invoicing customers CarSys allows you to do it all – anytime, anywhere!

No major upfront costs for as little as £25 per week

Fixed payments, not affected by interest rates

Protect existing credit lines

Tax Benefits. 100% tax deductible against profits

How can CarSys help your garage? CLOUD BASED

SIMPLE QUOTE AND INVOICING from CarSys, direct to your customers, without face to face contact ACCOUNTING INTEGRATION stay on top of your accounting via integration to your Sage online/offline and QuickBooks online book-keeping software ACCESS TO BASIC TECHNICAL DATA improve repair times, service schedules, manuals and fluid look ups

SIMPLE STOCK CONTROL manage stock levels and orders directly within CarSys

CarSys is entirely cloud based meaning that no installation is required and access is possible from any device with internet connectivity. All updates are downloaded automatically without affecting the performance of the GMS EFFICIENT GARAGE MANAGEMENT manage jobs, technician availability and new bookings easily whilst allowing customers to book their repairs online

Speak to your local branch or go online: to find out more about equipping your workshop

ONLINE PARTS ORDERING order any required parts directly from CarSys quicker and easier than ever before by using Euro Car Parts market leading catalogue



MasterPro Heating

Milwaukee Workwear

Industrial Fan Heater 220-240V 50Hz 3000W £49 .99 538775551

Diesel Heater 70 000 BTU 20KW £199 .00 538775971

M12 Heated Hybrid Puffer Jacket

M12 2Amp Redlithium Battery Energy Kit £44 .99 Mil451901

£114 .99

Small MIL464364 Medium MIL464365 Large MIL464366

XL MIL464367 XXL MIL464368

■ A one-touch LED

controller allows the user to select from 3 heat settings ■ Superior run time – up to 8 hours of heat on a single battery charge (2.0 Ah) ■ The Ripstop Polyester provides a lightweight design that can be used as an outer-shell or as a mid-layer ■ Water and wind resistant ■ Machine washable and dryable

Diesel Heater 102 000 BTU 30KW £229 .00 538776541

Diesel Heater 170 000 BTU 50KW £299 .00 538775951

■ REDLITHIUM-ION™ 2.0Ah battery packs recharge in 40 minutes or less ■ Kit Includes: ■ 12V M12 C12C li-Ion Fast Charger ■ 12V M12 2.0Ah battery

M12 Black Heated Jacket

M12 Grey Heated Hoodie

£124 .99

£79 .99

Small MIL464322 Medium MIL464323 Large MIL464324

XL MIL464325 XXL MIL464326

Small MIL464352 Medium MIL464353 Large MIL464354

XL MIL464355 XXL MIL464356

Nozzle for Industrial Fan Heater £9 .99 538776551

Intake Filter Cotton for Diesel Heaters £1 .99 538776561

■ A one-touch LED controller allows the user to select from 3 heat settings ■ Superior run time – up to 8 hours of heat on a single battery charge (2.0 Ah) ■ Multiple heating zones - cotton (53%) exterior with durable reinforced utility pockets and waffle-weave polyester (47%) lining to withstand tough outdoor conditions ■ Rugged heated hoodie made from durable

■ Tough Shell stretch polyester provide 5 x more resistance to abrasion ■ Water and wind resistant ■ A one-touch LED controller allows the user to select from 3 heat settings ■ Superior run time – up

Pressure Gauge for Diesel Heaters £4 .99 538776571

Nozzle for Diesel Heater £9 .99 538776581

to 8 hours of heat on a single battery charge (2.0 Ah)

3 sewn in carbon fibre heating zones distribute heat to core body areas



Bulb Stand


Caterpillar Winter Box Set £10 .44 545776703

Caterpillar Branded Beanie £5 .11 545776696

Caterpillar Crew Socks 3 pair pack £4 .58 545776697

Exclusive to LKQ EuroCarParts For the UK’s growing car parc, we’ve released this Lucas bulb stand with widest range of bulbs in the market. With thirty part numbers, 93% of the UK car parc is covered! The double decker stand can be displayed on a counter top or hung on the wall. £59 .99 481778692

Caterpillar Essentials Hoody £20 .99

Caterpillar Bodywarmer £29 .99

Large 545776700 X Large 545776701 XX Large 545776702

Large 545776705 XL 545776706 XXL 545776707

Caterpillar Black Trouser £30 .99

Caterpillar Deluxe Performance Windproof and Waterproof Jacket XL Size £29 .99 545773410

Product Contents: ECP No 481770132 LLB501 481770222 LLB477 5 481770092 LLB382 5 481770102 LLB380 5 481775162 LLB581 5 481770912 LLB580 3 481770192 LLB472 3 481775102 LLB921 5 481770152 LLB239 5 481770052 LLB207 5

Bulb Qty

ECP No Bulb Qty 481770372 LLB955 5 481770272 LLB501A 5 481770932 LLB582 3 481770172 LLB448 2 481775332 LLB434 2 481770062 LLB245 5 481770282 LLB566 5 481770042 LLB233 5 481771652 LLB436 2 481775502 LLB270 5

ECP No Bulb Qty 481775592 LLB209 5 481771232 LLB582A 5 481770262 LLB343 5 481770872 LLB264 5 481770112 LLB286 5 481771972 LLB921A 5 481775512 LLB269 5 481775492 LLB273 5 481770162 LLB272 5 481775412 LLB335 5


W32 L32 543774081 W34 L32 543774082 W36 L32 543774083 W38 L32 543774084

W32 L34 543774088 W34 L34 543774089 W36 L34 543774090 W38 L34 543774091



CV1 Shot


Industrial FFP2 Mask Enquire For Latest Prices 997990080

J-Tape Disposable Face Shield Enquire For Latest Prices JTA.8000.2425

Pack of 10


■ Protects both the wearer and others ■ Protects against airborne diseases ■ CE 0598 marked in accordance with PPE regulations 2002* ■ Facial seal around the nose and mouth** ■ Offers excellent protection for as little as £2.99 per mask

MULTIBUY OFFER PACK OF 6 FOR £41 .70 542772979

*EN 149:2001+A1:2009. **In line with government face fit testing.

Hand Sanitisers

All hand sanitisers meet EN approval

Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Enquire For Latest Prices Antibacterial Hand Wipes Enquire For Latest Prices 542771031

Hand Sanitiser Gel Flip Top 100ml


Hand Sanitiser Gel 100ml


Designed specifically to... • Neutralise Coronavirus • Keep family and colleagues safe when travelling • Completes the task in 7 minutes • 2 minutes discharge and 5 minutes activation • Leaves no problem residue behind and dry to the touch • CV1 Shot actively works on the surface for 72 hours after application • Designed for vehicles but can be used in any other enclosed spaces • Covers up to 8 cubic metres • A Standard Air Con bomb is not the same as CV1 Shot, CV1 Shot neutralises Coronavirus and bacteria once released throughout the cabin

Hand Sanitiser Gel 250ml


Hand Sanitiser Spray 500ml


Hand Sanitiser Gel 500ml


Hand Sanitiser Gel 1Ltr


Hand Sanitiser Gel 5Ltr


Suresan Antibacterial Wipes Enquire For Latest Prices 542771001

Clinell Antibacterial Universal Wipes Enquire For Latest Prices 545776300

72 Wipes

72 Wipes

20 Wipes

Hard Surface Disinfectant Spray Enquire For Latest Prices 542770164

Industrial Thick Bleach Enquire For Latest Prices 542770820



The perfect way to neutralise Coronavirus in vehicles Find out more visit:

Kills Bacteria & Coronavirus



GARAGE SUPPORT Supporting you and your business

GARAGE SUPPORT Supporting you and your business

GarageServices fromLKQEuroCarParts

Howwillyoucope withMOTdemand?


Howwillyoucope withMOTdemand?

With risingMOTsand failure rates, it’s important thatyoucanget thepartsyouneed,whenyouneed them. Omnipartallowsgarages tofindandorderparts24/7, Itprovides instantaccess toLKQEuroCarPartscatalogueofover 10,000parts.

Carboncleaningandemissions Withgreateremphasisbeingputonenvironmentalpoliciesandneeds,vehicleemissionsplaya largepart in the greenagenda.TighterMOT regulationsonemissionsmeans that it featuresquiteprominently in the listofMOT fails. Changingfilters,oilandsparkplugs isonepartofgettingacar through it’semission test,buthaveyou thoughtabout addingcarboncleaningaswell.Carboncleaningcanhelp to improveavehiclesperformancewhilst loweringa customerscarbon footprint. In thecurrenteconomicclimate,customersareholdingontovehicles longer,meaning that theyareaging.Bybeing able tooffercarboncleaning/DPFcleaning,means that theywillultimatelyperformbetterand last longer. Thebenefits toyourworkshopmeans thatyoucanofferanadditionalservice,createadditional revenuestreamsand profit,butmost importantlykeepcustomershappyand loyal.

Therearemanyways tocopewith thedemand inwhichyouarenowseeing. Inourpreviousnewsletterswe’ve discussedaboutcreatingbookings,going throughyourdatabaseofcustomersand reachingout togetslots bookedearly toavoiddisappointmentandaddingsomestructure.Apercentageofcustomerswillhave reacted to this,meaning thatyouwillhavecustomerscalling trying tobookupslots forMOTsandprobablyservices.Dealing with this increasewillmean thatyouwillhave tobeorganised, this iswhereplanningyourworkflowcomes in. HavingagoodGMSsystemcanhelpwith that.

With longhours in theworkshop,meansyour timewillbeatapremium.This iswhereOmnipartcanhelpmake orderingpartsandeasy,coupledwithall the toolsyouneed tohelpgrowyourbusiness.

Howdoes itwork?

Branch delivers

Place order

Find the required parts

Enter vehicle reg

Sign into your account


OnlineOrdering Onceyouhave found

Cloudbased software,noneed for installation. Integrates withSageand QuickBooksand alsohasstock managementand ahelpcentre

Thesystemalso comeswitha direct link to the fullLKQEuroCar Partscatalogue, facilitatingonline parts lookupand quickordering

Hybridand Electric

thepartsyou’re looking for–simplyplaceyour orderonline,withyour ordernumber–your orderwillbesent electronically toyour localbranch,andadded to thenextdelivery to yourgarage.

Hybridand Electric Hybridand Electric Wheel Alignment

HaynesPro data isused to calculateprices

Wheel Alignment Tyre&Wheel Balancing

The range includes: Air

Tyre&Wheel Balancing Diagnostics

UseCarSys toorganise day-to-day

Wheel Alignment

Tyre&Wheel Balancing Carbon Cleaning Diagnostics

Carbon Cleaning Air Conditioing

CarSyshouses customerand vehicledatabases, meaning technicianscan easily lookup MOTandservice histories

Air Conditioning ADAS



Carbon Cleaning

andschedule jobs in theworkshop, ensuringgarages get themostoutof eachworkingday

businessand capitaliseon thepentup MOTdemand



Why? Removingcarbondepositbuildupwillhelppreventcostlyengine repairsaswellasexpensiveemissioncontrol system replacements.Therearemillionsofvehicleson the roadwithDPF’sandup to70%ofcloggedDPFsare unnecessarilyscrappedwhichmeans largenumbersofvehicleownersarepayingmoremoney for replacements whencleaningwill restore thepart toperfectworkingcondition. RESTORESENGINE PERFORMANCE


Aswellas investing inGMSsoftware thereareotheravenuesyoucouldgodown tocopewith thedemand. Openingyourworkshop for longerhours isonewayof tackling theoncomingproblemas longasyourstaffare prepared towork longerhours.





Vehicle Identification

PartsLookup Easilydrilldown &findyourparts throughoureasy tousecatalogueor handysearchbar CrossReference.

NGK emission control.qxp_Layout1 29/09/2020 08:38 Page 1

Howdoyouopen for longer?

UsingourVRM Vehicle lookup, VINdecoderor manualvehicle lookup,allows you todrilldown to thevehicle, in seconds.


Up to24/7 if theywish.

They log in to theirown sectionof theDVSAwebsite andcanchange theopening hours thenand there.

It isveryeasyand anyaccreditedMOT examinercando it. Howwillyoucope withMOTdemand?

CommonMOT failures

Ability toprovide firstfix resolutions

Increasedcustomer satisfactionand retention

Avoid losingacustomer orwork toanother garage

Additional revenue streams foryour workshop

Once thehourshavechangedyoumustbeavailable todoMOT tests during thosehours,even ifnoneareactuallyperformed.


Vehicles in theUK requireMOTs tobe road legalandworthy. Thisyearhasseenasignificantchangedue to theCoronaviruspandemic.

Therearemanyways tocopewith thedemand inwhichyouarenowseeing. Inourpreviousnewsletterswe’ve discussedaboutcreatingbookings,going throughyourdatabaseofcustomersand reachingout togetslots bookedearly toavoiddisappointmentandaddingsomestructure.Apercentageofcustomerswillhave reacted to this,meaning thatyouwillhavecustomerscalling trying tobookupslots forMOTsandprobablyservices.Dealing with this increasewillmean thatyouwillhave tobeorganised, this iswherepl ningyourworkflowcomes in. HavingagoodGMSsystemcanhelpwith that.

BenefitsofEasyStartFinanceScheme: Getall thebenefitofGarageServices byutilising theEasyStartScheme

Theotheroption is togetextra staff into theworkshop. Recruiting the rightstaff isnoteasyandcanbe timeconsuming (Notwhatyouneed)Usinga recognised recruiter likeAutotechRecruitcouldbe theanswer.Autotech recruitsupply temporaryandpermanent technicalstaff to the automotive industry. Get the righthelpinghands for theMOTdemand

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Omnipart ismore than justanordering tool, GarageServices,ServiceSolutionsandpromotional campaignproductscanalsobe found inOmniHub.


Seatbelt failures 2.2%

Driversview of the road 8.7%

The statistics say:

TaxBenefits. 100% taxdeductible againstprofits

Protectexisting credit lines

Fixedpayments, notaffectedby interest rates

ContactAutotechRecruit today

Bodystructure failure 1.9%

Nomajorupfrontcosts Foras littleas£25per week

Log intoOmnipart todayandfindouthow itcanhelpyourbusinessgrowandgetup todate onall the latest industryhappenings. Ifyoudon’thaveanOmnipartaccount clickhere–


2 Cloudbased software,noneed for installation. Integrates withSageand QuickBooksand alsohasstock managementand ahelpcentre

■Telephone:01234603 119 Thesystmalso comeswitha

Lightsignal failure 29.6%

HaynesPro data isused to calculateprices

UseCarSys toorganise day-to-day



direct link to the fullLKQEuroCar Partscatalogue, facilitatingonline parts lookupand quickordering

CarSyshouses customerand vehicledatabases, meaning technicianscan easily lookup MOTandservice histories

andschedule jobs in theworkshop, ensuringgarages get themostoutof eachworkingday

businessand capitaliseon thepentup MOTdemand

Tyreand wheels failure 10.4%


Brakes failure 17.2%

Aswellas investing inGMSsoftware thereareotheravenuesyoucouldgodown tocopewith thedemand. Openingyourworkshop for longerhours isonewayof tackling theoncomingproblemas longasyourstaffare prepared towork longerhours.

Suspension failure 20.2%

Fueland emission 5.4%

Howdoyouopen for longer?

NBsource is fromHalfords.

Up to24/7 if theywish.

They log in to theirown sectionof theDVSAwebsite andcanchange theopening hours thenand there.

It isveryeasyand anyaccreditedMOT examinercando it.

Failure ratesareexpected to increase from40% to50%

6.2million vehicleswillbe overdueanMOT

Once thehourshavechangedyoumustbeavailable todoMOT tests during thosehours,even ifnoneareactuallyperformed.

Only25% ofMOTshavebeen completed sinceMarch

How will you cope with the MOT demand?

Theotheroption is togetextra staff into theworkshop. Recruiting the rightstaff isnoteasyandcanbe timeconsuming (Notwhatyouneed)Usinga recognised recruiter likeAutotechRecruitcouldbe theanswer.Autotech recruitsupply temporaryandpermanent technicalstaff to the automotive industry. Get the righthelpinghands for theMOTdemand

ReplacingsparkplugswithNGKisthefirst stepin maximising fuelefficiencyand improving emissionperformance.

4 Foryourpieceofmind it’sgood toknow thatwe’vegotyourback. In thisMOT issue ,we’ve focusedon fueland emissions thatwillmakeuppartof these failures.We’vehighlightedsomeof thequalitybrandsandsuppliers that arealways instock,most allareavailablesamedayornextdayorwheneveryou require them . Ourvast rangemeans thatyouareonlyaphonecallorwebvisitaway fromgetting thepartsyouneed toservice yourcustomersquickly,whilstmaking themostof thisbusyperiod. WithMOTsand the failure ratesdue to increaseover thecomingmonthsandwith thewavepredicted tohit in OctoberandNovember,demandonyourservicesandkeyproduct lineswill increasedramatically.

ContactAutotechRecruit today



■Telephone:01234603 119


29/09/2020 09:30

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Omnipart is more than just an ordering tool, Garage Services, Service Solutions and promotional campaign products can also be found in OmniHub.

Log into Omnipart today and find out how it can help your business grow and get up to date on all the latest industry happenings. If you don’t have an Omnipart account click here –

Prices valid from 1st October 2020 until 31st January 2021. Prices correct at time of going to press: October 2020. Prices exclude VAT, VAT will be applied at current rate. Errors & omission excluded. We reserve the right to amend/withdraw any offer in any way and at any time without compensation. Trade only.

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