WinterEssentials_PRR_October2020 SR

ESSENTIALS Great Service - Great Availability - Great Price

Look out for Wipers in our Weekly Essentials



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TeamPRReilly.Offeravailable9th– 14thNovember2020ONLY.We reserve the right toamend/withdrawanyoffer inanywayandatany timewithout compensation.E&OE.PricesexcludeVAT.Tradeonly.Not tobeused inconjunctionwithanyotheroffers.Copyright©2020TeamPRReilly.

Valeo is a world-leading global automotive supplier operating in 33 countries and partnering with automakers worldwide.

Did you know Bosch has 20 different types of wiper blades. Speak to our team today to find a set to best suit you all through winter, keeping your windscreen clear and vision good.

Vistapro sets a new benchmark for aftermarket, good quality blades at ultra-competitive prices

On average wiper blades last 1-2 years depending on usage. Heavy usage, however can mean you should change your wiper blades between 6 and 12 months. Did you know?

If your wipers break or corrode early then it could make driving in the rain difficult, increasing driving danger due to a decrease of visibility.


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