Wired 10 June 18 2015

Profiling Point Euro Car Parts Profiling News D avid Shore, our rotating electrics specialist, an analysis of lost sales. This was due to stock issues during the first five months of 2015. Remember! If you have a profiling request, the request should come

combination of a sale or a lost sale) within 12 months for the part number to automatically profile into the branch. There are parameters in place which will find false demand! If you have any profiling requests, get your Branch Manager or Operations Manager to contact David Shore: david.shore@eurocarparts.com ☐

has been busy visiting branches that need to be profiled. Last week he visited the Chester and Nottingham Branches, he looked at specific buying habits of branch customers and spoke with management in reference to lost sales. Chester has been profiled with 7 additional Alternators and 8 additional Starter Motors. The part numbers fall within the top 116 selling rotating part numbers from a total company volume! The volume being introduced is a function of vehicle parc, unit failure rate and the Euro Car Parts market share. Northampton has been profiled with an additional 2 Alternators and Starter Motors. As well as this, 7 Alternators and 9 Starter Motors have been profiled to Northampton branch following

from the Branch Manager or Operations Manager. They need to inform the team approximately how many additional SKUs of each product group and /or brand the branch can accommodate. • If a part number doesn’t sell, the profiling of that part number will be removed. • Lost sales help branches with their profiling – please try to log ALL lost sales where possible. • VOR is only classed as demand when it is either sold, or a lost sales is logged. • You need 3 demands (a

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