Wired 2

WYNN’S range extension


Diesel Engines

Wynn’s is a global leader specialising in the additive technology. Wynn’s Professional Range of products offers the workshop the highest quality additives and consumables that restore optimal operation in vehicle systems. All Wynn’s products are efficient , affordable , easy to use and profitable. Win with Wynn’s Speciality Chemicals & Equipment for Automotive & Fleet

£ 8 .99 555770090

£ 5 .99 555770100

£ 2 .99 555770450

£ 6 .59 555770130

Diesel Clean 3 500ml Providesa strongone tank clean-upof thediesel fuel system

Diesel EGR 3 Aerosol 200ml Developed for cleaning the air intake systemofalldiesel engines

Injector Cleaner Diesel 325ml Cleans injectorsand restores spraypattern

Turbo Diesel Cleaner 200ml Developed for cleaning theair intake systemof alldieselengines

£ 6 .99 555770770

£ 4 .99 555770190

Gear Box

Petrol Engines

£ 5 .59 555770500

£ 4 .99 555770520

£ 8 .99 555770150

£ 5 .99 555770160

Petrol EGR 3 Aerosol 200ml Anaerosolproductdeveloped forcleaning theair intake systemofallpetrolengines

HPLS Gear Oil Treatment with Stop Leak 125ml HPLS isa treatment for manualgearboxes

Automatic Transmission Treatment 325ml Developed to clean the automatic transmissionsystem restoring theefficiency

Petrol Clean 3 Extreme 500ml A strongone tank clean-up of thepetrol fuel system

Cooling SystemExtreme Degreaser 325ml To cureOil contamination in the cooling system restoringheat transfer

Cooling System Stop Leak 325ml

Stopandprevent small leaks in the cooling andheating system.

Over 180 Branches Nationwide 0845 603 3636

Over 180 Branches Nationwide 0845 603 3636 Offervaliduntil28thFebruary2015whilststocks last.Pricescorrectat timeofgoing topress:January2015.PricesexcludeVAT,VATwillbeappliedatcurrent rate.Errors&omissionsexcluded.

Offervaliduntil28thFebruary2015whilststocks last.Pricescorrectat timeofgoing topress:January2015.PricesexcludeVAT,VATwillbeappliedatcurrent rate.Errors&omissionsexcluded.

Wynn'sFlyer.indd 1

26/01/2015 12:02

Wynn’s is a global leader in additive technology, we have now secured an agreement with this supplier for additions to the range. Just some of the products are featured in a great new flyer that is heading into branches early next week. Wynn’s is a distinct professional and retail range. Another great opportunity to get a foot in the door with those low or nil spending customers. WIRED will keep you up to date with new to range items as they come on board.

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