BodyshopSolution_Magazine-3_ROI_A4_June2023-2 Flipping Book

Panel Shop

Welders Weldstar Infinium Multiprocess Inverter 277771380

Jasic Mig/Mag MMA Multiprocess Inverter 277771390



4-in-1 MultiprocessWelder (MIG/MAG Synergic, MIG/MAG Pulse, MIG/ MAG Standard, TIG AC/DC (HF/Lift), MMA AC/DC, MMA AC/DC Pulse) with user friendly 5” LCD interface. • Automatically detects input voltage 110V or 230V (PFC technology) • Easy to set up different welding modes, with auto-detection capabilities e.g. weld material thickness ensuring optimal performance save up to 10 stored programmes • Smart fan – reduces power consumption and intake of dust and fumes • Supplied with MIGTorch, TIGTorch, Regulator. 2-wheel Trolley available as optional extra. Trolley for Infinium Welder 281770641

High performance compact MIG/MAG/MMA 200A inverter with digital/AV display, ideal for general shop duties. • Use with 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0mm welding wire • Delivers consistently reliable performance for highly demanding and repetitive weld cycles • 1Phase (230V) input • Supplied with MIGTorch, Regulator, Work return lead and clamp.

€ 229 .00

€ 1,149 .00

Spot Welders Stanners Expert Spot Welder 597770720 • The Spot Expert has an easy to use operator panel and exceeds BSI0125 spec • The 5m lightweight cable gives increased reach and comes as standard with a 14,000A transformer X • Gun (other arm sets available), Suitable for Mild, High Strength, Ultra High Strength Steel, Boron, USIBOR • All the benefits of transformer gun • Simple to use and will incur less servicing costs over its lifetime technology without the expense of recordability • Simple to use and will incur less servicing costs over its lifetime. € 1,599 .00

Tecna Inverter Cable Spot Welding Station 277771410


14000A output Spot Welder with silenced water cooled transformer. Comes with all major manufacturer approvals. • Runs on Tecna Smart Plus software for fully automatic welding, data is support is achieved with a balancer system for zero gravity operation • The EasyChange systemmakes swapping welding arms very quick and easy • Supplied with C-Type Fast Gun. downloadable via USB • Precision welding gun

Single side gun and arms kits available as optional extras, ask for details.

€ 10,699 .00

€ 13,949 .00

Price, availability and specification may change without prior notice. Warranty subject to manufacturers terms and conditions of use. Errors and omissions excluded. Order parts online, head to Offers valid 1st August – 31st October 2023. Prices correct at time of going to press: July 2023.

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