EuroCarParts Marine Battery Catalogue

EuroCarParts | Trade Multi-buy And Buy Now Pay Later Deals On Marine Batteries

BEST PRICE PROMISE WE PROMISE TOREFUNDTHEDIFFERENCE IF YOUFINDTHE SAME PARTCHEAPER Euro Car Parts are dedicated to helping your business by offering you the best parts at unbeatable prices. We are so confident that we won’t be beaten on price that if, after buying a part from Euro Car Parts , you find the same part cheaper elsewhere within 24 hours, we will match that price! In the unlikely event that you do find a part purchased from Euro Car Parts cheaper elsewhere here’s what to do: 1) Check all the details. Is the part of the same quality from the same manufacturer & offered with the same payment terms and warranty? 2) If the parts match, send all the details to your local branch within 24 hours. Printed proof must take the form of a copy invoice or quote from the alternative supplier We will then check the details and if the price is for a like-for-like part we will refund the difference on your next purchase. FORMORE INFORMATIONPLEASECONTACTYOUR LOCAL ECPBRANCH MAKE EURO CAR PARTS YOUR FIRST CALL EVERY DAY


THINK BATTERIES THINK EURO CAR PARTS We have an extensive range of batteries for all Marine applications complete with robust carry handles and charge indicator, available with single and dual terminals. Sealed cases make them the perfect choice for all marine applications. Available in Lion, Bosch, Exide and Leoch, covering standard, AGM and GEL types. Sealed Units Now Available

0845 603 3636 OVER 190 BRANCHES NATIONWIDE Over 190 Branches Nationwide 603 3636

Over 190 Branches Nationwide 0845 603 3636

Marine Battery Range

CCA (E.N) Dimensions Positive

ECP Ref Brand Ah (20 Hr)

x6 Qty x10 Qty

Position Features

444 77 6761 Lion 65 580 L278 x W175

x H190 Right Sealed, Magic Eye £35.95 £32.95

444 77 6765 Bosch 75 650 L278 x W175


£62.95 £59.95

x H190 Right

444 77 6775 Bosch 75 420 L260 x W165


£56.95 £53.95

x H220 Left

444 77 6771 Lion 75 500 L270 x W175

x H220 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £35.95 £32.95

444 77 6770 Exide 80 510 L270 x W173

x H222 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £55.95 £52.95

444 77 6950 Exide 95 650 L310 x W175

x H225 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £71.95 £67.95

444 77 6795 Bosch 105 750 L344 x W175

x H239 Centre Sealed, Magic Eye £76.95 £72.95

BUY NOW PAY AUGUST ON MARINE BATTERIES BUY 10 OR MORE UNITS (MIXED OR THE SAME) AND PAY NOTHING UNTIL AUGUST 2015 CALL NOW FOR UP TO 3 MONTHS OF INTEREST FREE CREDIT! Buy Now Pay August 2015 available when you buy 10 or more battery units in any brand or size combination. All credit is subject to status and may be refused. This offer is valid from 1st May until 31st of May 2015. Euro Car Parts reserve the right to withdraw credit at any time. Maximum credit allowances apply; contact your branch for details. All products purchased on Buy Now Pay Later schemes are non-returnable. Offers available to trade customers only.

444 77 6101 Lion 110 690 L353 x W175

x H190 Right Sealed, Magic Eye £47.95 £45.95

444 77 6791 Lion 110 720 L345 x W175

x H239 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £45.95 £42.95

444 77 6790 Exide 115 760 L349 x W175

x H239 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £75.95 £72.95

444 77 6140 Exide 142 850 L349 x W175

x H290 Left Sealed, Magic Eye £88.95 £85.95

444 77 6851 Lion 85 680 L257 x W172

£46.95 £43.95

x H220 Left Sealed, Magic Eye, Dual Terminal

444 77 6951 Lion 95 750 L302 x W172 x H220

Left Sealed, Magic Eye, Dual Terminal

£51.95 £48.95

444 77 6111 Lion 110 800 L330 x W172

£56.95 £53.95

x H239 Left Sealed, Magic Eye, Dual Terminal

Prices correct at time of going to press: April 2015. Prices exclude VAT, VAT will be applied at current rate. Errors and omissions excluded.

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