Garage Support Newsletter 6 2021
Make sure your techs are at the top of their game. it’s not over yet!
Cooling & Climate Systems | Level 1 & 2 263778940
Ideal for an introduction into Automotive AC repair, moving on to more in depth knowledge and practical skills. Course content: Level 1 ■ Systems overview (Block valve, Orifice, CO 2 , etc.) ■ System run-through (Block valve) ■ System diagnostic through temperature ■ Component run-through (Light) ■ Oil overview ■ UV dye overview ■ Refrigerant overview ■ Flushing overview ■ Tooling appropriate for this level £ 199 .00 PER CANDIDATE Level 2 ■ Systems run-through of block valve, orifice & dual AC system ■ Diagnostics through pressure and temperature ■ In depth component training ■ System controls including sensors ■ Practical training ■ Tooling appropriate for this level Included in our training packages
L3 Refrigerant Handling VRQ (F-GAS) 263771230
Cooling & Climate Systems | Level 3 263778990 The specialist that would like to take it one step further. Course content: ■ CO 2 and Heat-Pump run-through ■ Impact on electric and hybrid vehicles ■ Diagnostic with each individual system ■ CO 2 as a refrigerant ■ Tooling appropriate for this level £ 199 .00 PER CANDIDATE Included in our training packages
This course has been specifically designed to provide the knowledge, training and qualification necessary to satisfy EU legislation in the mobile air conditioning market. Course content: ■ Introduction to Automotive Air Conditioning ■ Basic heat processes ■ Pressure and temperature relationships ■ The refrigeration cycle and system ■ Lubrication ■ Refrigerant flushing ■ Plus more…
You can register and book your course on the Auto Education Academy website
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