ROI Bodyshop Equipment Catalogue Q2 2023 May-Jul

Take control of your booth’s energy consumption With rising overheads, are you in control of how much energy your spraybooth is using?

When was the last time you reviewed your spraybooth’s energy consumption? Have you taken stock of the processes, equipment and behaviours in your Bodyshop recently, and what they’re actually costing you? Is it time to make some simple changes and take back control? It’s not uncommon to see spray booths switch on first thing in the morning and left on all day – whether or not they’re in use. Changing behaviours like this can deliver as much as 18% increase in efficiency – without costing you a penny. And if you’re prepared to invest a little upfront, you can achieve up t a 70% increase in efficiency – making your money back in a matter of months. Read on for energy-saving ideas you can implement today.

Why not automate the painting process?

Do you want to harness all the available technology to monitor and minimize your booth’s energy use? In addition to using modern controls, why not upgrade your air handling and heating plant? In doing so, you can gain as much as 70% efficiency for a fraction of the cost of a new booth. Ultimate efficiency is achieved by dynamic interaction between the plant and the control system. Upgrading the mechanical systems and software controls is the most cost-effective way to achieve performance that rivals the most fuel-efficient new booths on the market today.

Even with the best intentions, it can be hard to ensure consistent behaviour when multiple team members are managing high work volumes. So why not automate the painting process? A modern booth control system can deliver up to 50% efficiency gains. You can tune the control system to make the painting process as efficient as possible. And if your control system is old or rather basic, with our help, you can retrofit a modern one. Our Workshop Solutions team can guide you through the process.

Price, availability and specification may change without prior notice. Warranty subject to manufacturers terms and conditions of use. Errors and omissions excluded. Order parts online, head to Offers valid until 31st July 2023 Prices correct at time of going to press: April 2023. Our Workshop Solutions team can talk you through the process with you. Give us a call today. *Source: AGM Services Limited.


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