If you are constantly getting great ideas late at night whilst drifting off to the land of nod, or simply remember all the things you should have done earlier that day, then the Scribble Alarm Clock is the perfect bedside accessory for you. You can win one of these by just filling out the cross word and answering the bonus question below.
Bonus Question: WHICH OTHER MANUFACTURE’S OIL WILL THE TQX APPLICATION GUIDE WORK WITH? Email your answers to: wired@eurocarparts.com, and three winners will be selected at random. The winners from the last issue of Wire were: Jon-Paul Poundsbery, Barry Faetz, Mark Reed
ACROSS 3. Arnott’s new air spring can be used on what car? 5. ECP teamed up with who to gather info for Triple QX Application Guide 6. Brembo is not there to replace which other brand of breaks?
DOWN 1. The best kept secret was? 2. Exclusive glow plug to ECP? 4. DVR’s are also known as?
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