Want a chance to win a Bosch Chopper, Iron and Blender All you have to do is answer all questions correctly in the pop quiz, and email your answers to wired@eurocarparts.com and one lucky winner will be picked at random. All questions are related to this issue of Wired. The winner from Wired 29 was Chris Pepler.
1) How many years warranty does Hidria offer on all glow plugs? 2) Why does oil starvation damage turbos? 3) Name a feature of the Marksman II 4) Name a feature of the Exide Battery coding Equipment BRT-12 5) What is the percentage of all newcarmodels tested by the EuropeanNewCar Assessment Program in 2015 were already fitted with autonomous emergency braking? 6) When does the Brembo Fever Pitch promotion come to an end?
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