Wired Competition

Want a chance to win a state of the art Canon Camera? All you have to do is answer all questions correctly in the pop quiz, and email your answers to wired@eurocarparts.com and ONE lucky winner will be picked at random. All questions are related to this issue of Wired. The winner from Wired 33 was Liam Brown, and he’s got himself a Liverpool T-shirt

1) What is one of the things that can happen of the Air-Conditioning System is not serviced? 2) Name a feature of the Ecoline 88 3) What are the Pads and discs warranty on Brembo? 4) What is the Smoke Pro used for finding (name 2)? 5) What is the credit limit on Tech Tool Club? 6) What items come free of charge with the 2 Rodcraft Impact Wrenches?


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