Garage Support Supporting you and your business
2023 Issue 1
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The opportunity for your workshop
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The MOT Curve
Making the most of the shortfall
Since the pandemic, the MOT pattern has shifted. Pre 2020, the MOT curve consistently spiked in March and September to coincide with the release of new vehicles. While those months are still busier than others, the relatively flatter line that was pre 2020 has meant that there is a huge dip in MOTs after March. So much so that the wave of MOTs each September to November have meant that garages have become incredibly busy.
How have MOTs been affected?
Feast to famine? Looking at the graph, we can see the biggest dip is in April, which means it’s vitally important for garages to make the most of MOT business in March – as well as finding new ways to fill the gap that follows. The pattern should even itself out over the next few years, as more new vehicles come out of their warranty period and enter the independent aftermarket, in line with the new number plate release once more.
2020 2021
The opportunity fo
Before the vehicles are on ramps
Following up on advisories How many MOT advisories did you flag last year? With this figure in mind, you’re sitting on a lot of potential new business for your workshop. Last year, the DVSA predicted that one in four vehicles would pass their MOTs with advisories – depending on the severity, the vehicle could need to return to the workshop soon for repairs.
Timing belts Are you checking when the timing belt was last changed? When a customer calls to book their MOT it is advised that the person accepting the booking – whether that be an MOT tester or a receptionist – checks to see if the timing belt has been changed.
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The MOT Curve
Making the most out of every vehicle entering your workshop
Use your data Government research shows that 40% of MOT customers prefer to choose a garage they have used before, so work through your customer database to identify customers in need of an MOT.
Use your GMS If you have a GMS, really get the best out of it, ensure automated emails and text messages go out to customers in time so you can start to fill up your diary.
Test to earn Testing the health of a customer’s battery is paramount to keeping their vehicle on the road. By automatically testing every vehicle that comes into your workshop, you’ll be taking your customer service to the ‘next level’.
Find new business
Get social Use your social media pages to let customers know you’re open. Doing so might also remind them that their MOT is due.
Be searchable Make sure you’re listed on relevant online directories and local lists, so when potential new customers are searching for a garage, you’re in the mix.
Pick up the phone Contact your customers by phone rather than blanket email or text. One garage owner reported a 43% uptake on bookings in a single day after switching to making phone calls to his customers.
or your workshop
Whilst the vehicles are on the ramps
One in three vehicles entering your workshop could require a new battery?
Testing batteries Whether you’re informing customers that they can rest easy that their battery is in good health, or giving them the opportunity to update their failing battery before they leave your workshop – both outcomes will have a positive impact on our workshop’s reputation, and increase your chances of repeat custom.
Shocks and springs
March always coincides with higher failure for shocks and springs on an MOT. Salt on the roads and potholes after a hard winter will always play a part in failure. It’s recommended that you should always fit these products in pairs; if not it can be detrimental to the ride of the car and the handling. This will probably mean a disgruntled customer returning the vehicle, or even worse, going elsewhere.
Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1 | Page 3
Air Conditioning Are you ready to make money in the 2023 season?
It’s not part of a routine vehicle service, so your workshop might be missing out on this revenue stream in the rush to get vehicles out the door as quickly as possible. Not only does this great value added service require minimal ‘hands on’ time from a technician, but, it can also pay back your investment in a matter of months. No matter what your Air con needs – we have something for you.
Not sure where to start? We’ve built a three step approach with you in mind.
Step 1
Step 2
Choose your machine
Choose your After Sales pack
£ 1,119 .00 £ 999 .00 £ 839 .00 £ 579 .00 PRICES FROM
£ 1,799 .00 £ 1,899 .00 £ 2,399 .00 £ 2,599 .00 £ 4,199 .00 £ 4,999 .00 £ 1,799 .00 £ 1,899 .00
5 year service package 4 year service package 3 year service package 2 year service package 1 year service package
£ 240 .00 4 year service and warranty package £ 1,249 .00 3 year service and warranty package £ 999 .00 2 year service and warranty package £ 749 .00
705R 134a
Step 3
Choose your Value Add pack
Basic pack • Refrigerant Gloves • Refrigerant Goggles • 1 litres PO68 oil with Dye • Digital Thermometer • UV Torch.
Starter pack • Refrigerant Gloves • Refrigerant Goggles • 1 litre POE 68 OIL
Full pack Starter Pack +
Master pack Full Pack + • Saniflux (Anti Bac) • Saniflux Fluid • O Ring Set.
• Nitrogen Testing Kit • Cylinders of Nitrogen • Schrader Valve Core Assortment.
• 1 Litre PAG46 • 250mlUV Dye • Digital Thermometer • UV Torch • Electronic Leak Detector.
£ 75 .00
£ 299 .00
£ 599 .00
£ 999 .00
Return on investment example
3 Air Con services per week
Return on investment in 3 months Based on £2,100 equipment
Total cost per job including labour and consumables £ 70
Invoice price per job £ 130
Profit per job £ 60
Want to know more? Want to see the rest of our range? Contact your local branch or visit OmniHub today
Page 4 | Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1
Prices correct at time of print.
Helping your customer in turn helps you
How you can help your customers with the cost of keeping their vehicle on the road
The cost of living has been increasing across the UK since early 2021. The annual rate of inflation reached 11.1% in October 2022 – a 41-year High – before easing to 10.7% in November and 10.5% in December 2022. High inflation rates affect the affordability of goods and services your customers can afford.
Offer customers a convenient way to pay their bills
However there are services that you can offer your customers which will help with payment, Payment Assist. This clever system allows a customer to get the work done and then spread the cost over 4 monthly payments with no interest. The best bit for a workshop is that the invoice will get paid in full upfront so you don’t have to worry about cashflow.
How it works:
Susan has an unexpected bill for £400, but doesn’t have available funds to cover it.
She pays just £100 today as a deposit to take out the finance plan while we pay the merchant’s invoice in full.
Susan pays us a further £100 per month for three more months, and then she’s all done. Simple!
Soft credit check 98% acceptance.
No interest, no fees, no catch for you or your customer.
Scan for more on Payment Assist
Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1 | Page 5
Develop Your Garage
Develop your garage service and grow your business
These days keeping customers and finding new ones is tough. With fierce competition, you shouldn’t have to decline work because you’re unable to offer services in-house. Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.
Consider an added value service to keep their vehicles running smoothly and saving them money during this ‘cost of living crisis’, providing you: • Additional revenue streams for your workshop • Increased satisfaction and retention • Avoiding losing a customer or work to a competitor.
With tighter MOT rules and limits linked to vehicle emissions, it’s vital that emission control devices such as catalysts and diesel particulate filters are functioning correctly.
Free parking sponsor
Come and see us!
6 th -8 th June 2023
We’re attending Automechankia Birmingham – the leading trade exhibition for the aftermarket and supply chain. This event is already set to be a sell-out so don’t miss out, register today.
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DPF and Carbon Cleaning
Engine and DPF Carbon Cleaning This could help bring your garage to the next level and open up your streams of revenue.
The benefits of providing an engine and DPF carbon cleaning service are: • Reduces emissions • Clean blocked DPFs, as opposed to replacing the unit • Restores engine performance and improves fuel efficiency, allowing motorists to get increased mileage • Increases a positive reputation from customers. Why Carbon Cleaning? Trends show motorists are keeping vehicles longer and are looking to reduce cost of vehicle ownership. The UK car parc currently stands at 8.9 years*. There are millions of vehicles on the road with DPFs. Up to 70% of clogged DPFs are unnecessarily scrapped, meaning you could be paying for a replacement when cleaning would restore the part to perfect working condition. *Source GiPA
Engine carbon cleaning Engine carbon cleaning is becoming increasingly popular within the UK.
With many drivers realising just how much difference an engine carbon clean makes to their vehicle performance, emissions, and fuel economy as well as the pressure for vehicles to become more environmentally friendly.
Is this the time to expand the vehicle services your workshop offers? CC-14 Engine Carbon Cleaning Machine
DCS-16 DPF Cleaning Machine Too often garages purchase brand new DPFs for customers who are experiencing issues such as blockages. However, garages could in fact make significant savings by investing in a DPF cleaning unit. 1 x DPF clean a week generates £13,000 annually*
Carbon Clean’s CC-14 ‘entry- level’ machine can service petrol and diesel vehicles. It’s set and forget feature is designed to remove up to 100% of carbon from a vehicle’s engine. 1 x engine carbon clean per day generates £25,740 annually* Once the engine has been cleaned, it can increase fuel efficiency by up to 10%.
From £ 25
From £ 25 .00 pw *
.00 pw *
* Figures are Subject to VAT. Subject to Credit Check.
The UK’s best value training provider Boasting the UK’s best value training offer LKQ Academy is your one stop training solution. Boasting more courses and training venues than anyone else – providing automotive training for all aspects of the automotive industry. Why not start your training journey today.
Go to for all courses details
Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1 | Page 7
Add Value
Add value through the right product MOT, Servicing and beyond…
Not all workshop heroes wear capes But they fit Starline
Becoming a “Workshop hero” for your customers is simple – Fit Starline and let the price and quality of our products do the rest! • Product of choice for garages and workshops all over Europe • More than 35,000 products within its range and covering over 90% of spare parts for passenger vehicles. Starline offers a complete range of quality products at the right price, for you and your customers. • Parts manufactured in line with OE processes
Scan for more on Starline
OE quality with Optimal Optimal for OE quality without the hefty price tag. For 30 years the Optimal brand has gained a reputation for quality engineering, with parts that are manufactured in line with OE specifications using quality materials and equipment. • Extensive steering and suspension range • 90% car parc coverage • Compatible with hybrid and electric vehicles for major manufacturers • Off-the-shelf availability. Optimal is a no-brainer for getting the job done – whilst offering peace of mind, convenience and affordability.
Scan for more on Optimal
Pagid and Eicher
In times like this, it is nice to be able to give customers options to suit every budget. Not only do Pagid and Eicher offer different price points, but their extensive warranty provides peace of mind – you can fit their products with confidence. Whilst the warranty is available – they are certain you won’t need it.
Scan for more on Pagid
Scan for more on Eicher
* Our braking warranty is no quibble. It does not include off road use (4x4 days or track days). It does not cover alterations of the manufacturers specifications.
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The IMI Professional Register lists individual members and their place of work in the automotive industry who have been recognised for their experience, professionalism and commitment to ethical working practices, and for continually keeping their knowledge and skills up to date with the latest training. IMI TechSafe is a standard that the wider automotive industry can follow to ensure technicians are able to confidently and safely work on electrical systems in hybrid, electric and connected vehicles, as well as other safety-critical vehicle systems such as Autonomous or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).
How the IMI Professional Register benefits you:
It’s a clear standard agreed by the automotive industry around safety and critical areas of maintenance and repair Provides confidence by assuring that members on the Professional Register are trained, skilled and competent in their given field of expertise and have agreed to work to an ethical code Allows you to search for trusted professionals in your area Members with the IMI Techsafe logo next to their name are skilled and competent to work on electric and connected vehicles
Institute of the Motor Industry Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertfordshire, SG13 8PQ
To learn more and to search for automotive professionals, please visit professional-register
+44(0) 1992 519 025
Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1 | Page 9
Boost Your Business with Learning and Development
Hybrid and electric vehicle sales are rising fast Don’t get left behind when it comes to servicing and repairing hybrid and electric vehicles (EV). With government plans to cut emissions by stopping the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030 and multiple car manufacturers such as Volvo and Ford committing to a 100% electric range by 2030, the change is inevitable. There is no doubt that hybrid and EV’s will become the vehicle of choice over the coming years and beyond.
Britain’s switch to EV’s continues to gather pace, with a record one in five new car registrations now plug-ins*.
Big opportunity for your business! Only 16% of UK technicians are trained to work on hybrid and EV’s safely. That is a very small number considering the volume of technicians needed by 2030.
Did you know? …LKQ Euro Car Parts has already trained more than
Did you know? …90,000 automotive technicians will be required to provide sufficient workforce to service the volume of zero emissions vehicles predicted to be on UK roads by 2030*.
4,000 technicians on Hybrid and EV’s.
Don’t miss out, join them today.
Our most popular Hybrid and EV courses
Level 2 & 3 IMI Award in Electric/Hybrid 263773020
Level 4 IMI Award in Electric/Hybrid 263773040
Included in our training packages
Included in our training packages
• Routine maintenance activities, vehicle system repair and replacement.
• The diagnosis, testing and repair of electric/hybrid vehicles and components.
Two day course Level 2 & 3 = 14 IMI Credits
Two day course Level 4 = 14 IMI Credits To find out more about our EV and Hybrid courses visit
Page 10 | Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1
Are you MOT compliant?
DVSA data indicates that 3 in 4 MOT testers in the UK have not yet completed their annual training. Are you one of them?
31 st March
Our MOT courses April 1st – 31st March. If you’ve not completed your training during this date then you will be struck from the register! Already completed? Then why not get ahead of the curve and book yours now for April. Our award winning and market leading training provider is here to support with all your MOT training needs. It’s important to remember that the MOT year runs
Light Vehicle MOT Online Assessment Only 263220010
Light Vehicle MOT CPD Assessment & LKQ Academy Training Booklet Online Assessment and Training Booklet 267000060
2 Assessment Attempts
2 Assessment Attempts
£ 29 .00 Per Candidate
£ 49 Per Candidate
Free IMI Affiliate Membership Worth £47
Free IMI Affiliate Membership Worth £47
Light Vehicle MOT CPD & Assessment Online Elearning and Assessment 263220020
Motorbike CPD & Assessment Online Elearning and Assessment 263220040
2 Assessment Attempts
2 Assessment Attempts
£ 54 .00 Per Candidate
£ 45 .00 Per Candidate
Free IMI Affiliate Membership Worth £47
Free IMI Affiliate Membership Worth £47
Go to for all courses details
Don’t delay – book your training today
Garage Support | 2023 Issue 1 | Page 11
The UK’s best value training provider
Sign Up to LKQ Academy for Free Stay ahead of the competition with LKQ Academy. Whatever automotive training your workshop requires you can rest assured that we offer it. Courses offered by LKQ Academy keep up to date with latest technology and industry standards – meaning that you can do too. LKQ Academy is the perfect solution in providing automotive and aftermarket training. Benefits of training with LKQ Academy: • Locations nationwide – find a course local to you • Courses to suit your needs – a mixture of practical, eLearning and blended courses are available • Increased employee motivation, satisfaction and retention • Greater customer satisfaction • Real Workshop conditions. Why not start your journey today?
Memberships – our best value way to train
Platinum 263990000 • Upskill your entire workshop • No limits to the number of people trained • 20 Training days + 20 eLearning courses . £ 2,499
Gold 263990010
• Our best value
individual membership • No limits to practical training • Unlimited training days + 5 eLearning courses .
£ 999
All memberships are 12-months, and a cost effective way to upskill your team.
All our courses are fully accredited by
Go to for all courses details Start your training journey today
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