UK SMR Brochure Nov-Dec 2022 (1)



Are you checking every battery that enters your workshop? If not, then you’re missing out on a huge profit opportunity… Testing the health of a customer’s battery is paramount to keeping their vehicle on the road. By automatically testing every vehicle you see, you’ll be taking your customer service to the ‘next level’. Whether you’re informing customers that they can rest assure their battery is in good health, or giving them the opportunity to update their failing battery before they leave your workshop – both outcomes will have a positive impact on your workshops reputation, and increase your chances of repeat custom. POWER UP YOUR WORKSHOP AND TEST EVERY BATTERY

Did you know?

One in three vehicles entering your workshop could require a new battery?

And that three out of four customers would purchase and replace a battery the same day

1 IN 3

40% of national breakdowns occur from a direct result of battery failure

It should take no longer than 10 minutes to check a standard lead battery

What can you potentially earn from testing every vehicle that enters your workshop? Average battery profit from testing:



Standard Batteries

Start-Stop Batteries

£59.00 £60.00 £119.00


Average selling price to customer


Workshop average hourly labour rate


Total price to customer*

A workshop typically has 10 vehicles a day (depending on size) testing these vehicles could translate into 3 vehicles requiring a new battery a day (1 in 3) Potential return: *Total minus workshop battery purchase Testing Standard Batteries Start-Stop Batteries Daily (3 a day) £357.00* £549.00* Weekly (15 a week) £1,785.00* £2,745.00* Monthly (60 a month) £7,140.00* £10,980.00* *Total minus workshop battery purchase

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